Source: Statistics New Zealand – Press Release/Statement:
Headline: Nearly two-thirds of households make enough to live on
13 April 2018: We corrected this news story. See Nearly two-thirds of households say they make enough to live on.
More than 6 in 10 households say they earn enough or more than enough to live on, but 1 in 10 don’t have enough to get by, Stats NZ said today.
For the year ended June 2017, 65 percent of households said they had enough or more than enough income to meet their everyday needs, according to the latest household income and housing-cost statistics. Ten years earlier, in the 12 months to June 2007, 51 percent of households reported having enough or more than enough income.
The global financial crisis began in 2007. New Zealand’s economy entered recession in 2008, with economic growth down in each quarter and a rising unemployment rate.
To measure income adequacy, respondents were asked if their and their partner’s combined income was enough to meet their everyday needs for items such as accommodation, food, clothing, and other necessities.
This release was corrected on 8 December 2017.
See Household income and housing-cost statistics: Year ended June 2017 corrected for details.
See also: Household incomes up 50 percent in last 10 years
For media enquiries contact: Sean Broughton, Wellington 04 931 4600,
Authorised by Liz MacPherson, Government Statistician, 19 October 2017