Launch of resources to help tamariki under five years old sleep better

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Launch of resources to help tamariki under five years old sleep better

Associate Health Minister Jenny Salesa welcomes the launch of new Active Play resources which encourage children aged under-five to sit less, move more and sleep well.
“The new Active Play resources in te reo reflect the unique culture of Aotearoa New Zealand to communicate important wellbeing messages,” Jenny Salesa said.
“Tamariki that play more, move more and get a better night’s sleep are healthier and more engaged. Those habits set them up for a healthy life.
The Active Play resources have been developed by Toi Tangata specifically for New Zealand, using kaupapa Māori to explain the importance of children playing regularly, having limited “screen time” and getting a good quality nights’ sleep.
Although the Active Play resources have been designed with kaiako in kōhanga reo in mind, they’re useful for anyone advising parents, caregivers and whānau about active play for tamariki under five years of age.
“I’ve been impressed with the quality of the resources. Our tamariki deserve the best and I encourage caregivers and parents to use the infographics, videos and music that’ve been created for their children’s benefit,” Jenny Salesa said.
The Active Play resources are free to download at the link below