Source: New Zealand Government
Headline: Hui on animal welfare next month
An all-day hui, to discuss the priorities of the country’s animal welfare groups, has been called for next month by the Associate Minister of Agriculture the Hon Meka Whaitiri.
The hui which will be held in Auckland aims to follow up on a promise made by Meka Whaitiri after she announced Government policy not to ban rodeos in March.
“I am keen to hear the views and priorities of the country’s animal advocates on issues on everything from the care of our pigs to welfare issues around our pets. I want everything to be on the table for discussion.
“I also want this to be a chance for our animal advocates to hear from spokespeople for our Government partners the Greens and New Zealand First.
“This year I have already moved to strengthen the protections for our animals with a raft of new regulations that covered everything from banning fireworks at rodeos to tightening the controls on how stock are transported to slaughter plants. These regulations have already been welcomed by many.
“I have also supported the work of my advisory group NAWAC in their investigation into the role of animals in entertainment.
“As the dedicated animal welfare minister in this Government I make no secret of the fact that I want to see better outcomes for our animals. This goes to the heart of our international reputation as one of the world leaders for animal welfare outcomes in farming systems.
“It will be up to the hui on June the 8th to decide what they think are the really important issues that we need to develop and debate in the coming years,” says Hon Meka Whaitiri.
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