Redcliffs school to proceed at new site

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Redcliffs school to proceed at new site

The relocation of Redcliffs school to a new site in Redcliffs park will go ahead and be fast tracked through special changes to the Christchurch District Plan, Minister Megan Woods has announced.
“Today I am announcing that we will be fast tracking changes to the District Plan to allow the school to be relocated to Redcliffs park, with the existing school site to be turned into a public park. This is in line with the regeneration proposal put up by Regenerate Christchurch.
“The Redcliffs community has made it very clear they want to see their school on a permanent site as quickly as possible and that is what today’s decision delivers.
“It means the Redcliffs community will once again be served by both a local school and a local park.
“The public submissions through this decision making process have made to clear me that what this community needs most is certainty and a school on a permanent site as quickly as possible.
“In making today’s decision I have decided to use my Greater Christchurch Regeneration Act powers under section 71 to fast track a district plan changes. This is the first time these powers have been used.
“I would like to thank everyone who’s taken the time to provide their feedback – more than 60 percent of the 353 submissions received on the Proposal were in favour.”
“I am confident that relocating the school and establishing a new park is the right decision to help the Redcliffs community move forward.