Record investment to get Auckland moving

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Record investment to get Auckland moving

The Government and Auckland Council will embark on New Zealand’s largest ever civil construction programme to create a 21st century transport network, Minister of Transport Phil Twyford and Auckland Mayor Phil Goff said today.
“Together, we will invest $28 billion over the next decade to unlock Auckland’s potential. We will be building vital projects including light rail, Penlink and Mill Rd, heavy rail and bus upgrades, safety improvements, and more dedicated cycle lanes,” says Phil Twyford.
“These much-needed investments are made possible by a $4.4 billion funding boost resulting from the Auckland fuel tax, increased revenue the National Land Transport Fund, and Crown Infrastructure Partners contributions.
“This plan is funded to deliver the projects we are committed to. The previous ATAP report, released by former Transport Minister Simon Bridges in August 2017, had a $5.9 billion funding gap. National had no plan to fix that fiscal hole, which would have meant the projects they promised couldn’t have been delivered.
“This $28 billion plan will help ease the awful congestion that has been caused by a decade of under-investment. We will create a congestion-free rapid transit network and boost other alternatives to driving to help free up the roads, enable growth, and improve safety for drivers and others,” says Phil Twyford.
Mayor Phil Goff said, “ATAP balances the need to deal with Auckland’s immediate and pressing transport needs, as well as being transformational for the future.
“ATAP reflects the need for efficient roading for green and brownfield housing development, new transport corridors and major arterial routes. But as Auckland grows we need to move from a focus on roading to a more balanced approach that promotes public transport and active transport networks.
“Auckland has to contribute its share and the regional fuel tax allows us to do that. The more than $4 billion expenditure it unlocks is critically important to progressing a better transport system for Auckland.
“To raise the same sum from rates would result in a total rate increase of over 13 per cent this year. Alternatively, to do nothing would see Auckland become increasingly gridlocked.
“New forms of revenue such as an RFT to invest in our transport network and light rail to supplement buses, ferries and heavy rail are critical for an efficient and effective Auckland transport system. Auckland’s growth means additional investment in these areas is vital for us to tackle congestion problems.
“ATAP represents a significant increase in investment in our transport network, but we still need to find innovative ways to fund further development such as PPPs, special purpose vehicles or infrastructure bonds,” Phil Goff says.
ATAP includes $1.8 billion in funding for light rail. A work programme is underway to leverage sources of investment capital outside of ATAP for light rail, and an announcement will be made soon.
Under ATAP, Auckland is expected to receive 38% of the National Land Transport Fund over the next decade, proportionate with the region’s growing share of New Zealand’s population. However, Mayor Phil Goff says that this “still falls short of Auckland’s projected 55 per cent share of the country’s population growth over the next decade”.
ATAP major investments include:
Committed projects like the City Rail Link and northern motorway improvements.
Light rail
Eastern busway (Panmure-Botany)
Airport-Puhinui State highway upgrade, including a high quality public transport link to an upgraded Puhinui rail station
Bus priority programme, to more rapidly grow Auckland’s bus lane network and support faster, more reliable and more efficient bus services
Albany-Silverdale bus improvements
Lower cost East West Link to address key freight issues in the area
Papakura-Drury motorway widening
First phase of the Mill Road corridor
Penlink (tolled)
Walking and cycling programme to expand the network and complete key connections (e.g. SkyPath)
Significant programme of safety improvements
New transport infrastructure to enable greenfield growth
Network optimisation and technology programme to make the best use of our existing network
Rail network improvements including electrification to Pukekohe, additional trains and other track upgrades
More information on the ATAP update is available at