Community Organisation Grants Scheme funding is now open

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Community Organisation Grants Scheme funding is now open

Applications for the 2018/2019 Community Organisation Grants Scheme are now open, Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Peeni Henare announced today.  
The Community Organisation Grants Scheme is a government-funded kaupapa with the aim of building strong sustainable communities. This scheme will fund non-profit groups and organisations delivering community-based social services, projects and events. 
“Last year, over $12 million was granted to voluntary and community groups across the country,” Peeni Henare said. 
“This funding will help ensure that vital services are provided in local communities.
“I encourage community groups, iwi, and whānau to take up this opportunity and apply to their Local Distribution Committee,” Peeni Henare said. 
The 2018/2019 Community Organisation Grants Scheme funding round will continue until 23 May 2018.  There are 37 Local Distribution Committees around the country.
More information on the application process can be found here:
Contact: Patisepa Helu 021 821 562