New research shows who is failing to buckle up

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: New research shows who is failing to buckle up

New research published today highlights which groups of people are not wearing seatbelts in New Zealand, says Associate Minister of Transport Julie Anne Genter.
 “While over 90 per cent of Kiwis buckle up when they hop in the car, some still haven’t got the message and that’s having fatal consequences. Around 30 percent of car crash fatalities involved people not wearing a seatbelt,” said Ms Genter.
 “This research looked at 200 fatal crashes where seat belts were not worn. It showed that 75 per cent of victims were male and that young New Zealanders were over represented.
 “84 per cent of fatal crashes where seatbelts aren’t worn happened on rural roads and alcohol is often involved.
 “But it’s not just one group. We have people in rural areas, people driving for work, elderly people, tourists, and young people all dying in crashes where one simple click could have saved their lives.
 “While we’ve had great success communicating the message to buckle-up to most New Zealanders, the challenge now is to reach these last groups.
 “The NZ Transport Agency is currently undertaking research to understand why these groups don’t wear a seatbelt. This research will help to inform the development of new adverting material and messages targeting these groups.
 “Ultimately it’s pretty simple. If you’re not wearing a seatbelt you’re far more likely to die in a crash than your mate sitting next to you who took the two seconds to belt up,” said Ms Genter.