Retail power price review panel named

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Retail power price review panel named

The Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has today released the details of who will sit on an expert advisory panel which is tasked with leading a review into the price of electricity in New Zealand.
“The eight-person expert advisory panel – which will be chaired by Miriam Dean QC – will play a key role into assessing whether the electricity market is delivering power at the fair and equitable price,” said Megan Woods.
“Every member of the panel brings a wealth of expertise and experience to the table and a range of skills that complement each other and will be a part of a review that will be of special interest to the New Zealand public.
“The panel’s primary task is to provide peer and technical advice for the review which will also look at whether the electricity market and its governance arrangements are appropriate for the rapid changes in technology and innovation taking place in the sector.”
Megan Woods last month released the terms of reference for the review which will be supported by a secretariat provided by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and external consultants.
The first meeting of the expert advisory panel is due to be held later this month and the final report is expected to be delivered to the Minister early next year.