Source: Auckland Council
Headline: Finance and Performance committee approve $740,000 for Kauri Dieback
Auckland Council’s Finance and Performance committee today approved up to $740,000 to manage kauri dieback disease in the 2017/2018 financial year.
It follows last week’s environment and community committee decision to close forested areas of the Waitakere Ranges Regional Park, and several higher risk tracks in the Hunua Ranges Regional Park from 1 May.
Committee chair, councillor Ross Clow, says the decision is a vital step that the council had to take.
“We as a council have a responsibility to do all we can to protect kauri across the Auckland region,” he said.
“Protecting and preserving our native species is vital and incredibly important that we take these steps now for the benefit of generations of Aucklanders to come.”
The $740,000 covers a compliance and enforcement programme, communications and engagement, two full-time equivalent staff for the rest of the financial year, track improvements, hygiene station upgrades, car park and track entrance barriers, and signage costs.
Other decisions made at the committee were:
Property disposals
The committee approved the disposal of a number of properties as part of the unlock Panmure project and six council-owned properties as part of the Panuku-led council property portfolio disposal.
The committee approved the levies for the following amenities for 2018/2019 financial year:
- Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT) $13.9million
- Auckland War Memorial Museum $31.5million
- Auckland Regional Amenities Funding Act (ARAFA) $14.6million
Council-controlled organisations (CCOs) statements of intent
The committee approved the proposed shareholder comments on the draft statements of intent 2018-2021 for the following CCOs. It also delegated finalising of the statements to the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and chairs of the committees of the whole.
- Auckland Transport
- Watercare
- Panuku Development Auckland
- Regional Facilities Auckland
- Auckland Council Investments Limited
The committee also agreed to note any comments provided by the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board and the Howick Local Board and delegate authority to the Manager, CCO Governance and External Partnerships to finalise the shareholder feedback on the following:
- Mangere Mountain Education Trust
- Contemporary Art Foundation
- Community Education Trust Auckland.
Local Board and Public Input
Whau Local Board chair Tracy Mulholland and member Derek Battersby addressed the committee on Avondale’s redevelopment and land sales.
The committee also received public input from Janet Charman, Sylvia Spieksma from the Avondale Action Group and Sandra Murray all relating to council-owned land in Avondale.
The agenda is available on Auckland Council’s website and minutes will be added once confirmed. This meeting was also webcast on the council’s website and items are available on demand.