Source: New Zealand Government
Headline: Applications open for tourism infrastructure funding
Applications are open for round two of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund, Tourism Minister Kelvin Davis announced today.The Tourism Infrastructure Fund provides up to $25 million per year to co-fund, with councils, the development of visitor-related public infrastructure such as toilets, carparks, freedom camping facilities and sewerage and water works.
“The fund supports communities facing pressure from tourism growth and in need of assistance – areas with high visitor numbers but small ratepayer bases, for example,” Mr Davis says.
“This second round will see a continued focus on communities in immediate need, where local facilities are already under strain because of visitor demand.
“I would also like to see more proposals that use innovative technological solutions to reduce or cover the cost of infrastructure up-keep, which helps take the burden off ratepayers. Examples could include app-based user charges, with revenue used for maintenance, or ‘smart’ solar-powered rubbish compactors that alert the rubbish collection company when the compactors are full.”
Applications for round two of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund close on Monday 14 May 2018.
Mr Davis also indicated he is considering changes to the criteria of the fund for future rounds.
“Following feedback I received from mayors at a recent meeting on freedom camping, I will also be reviewing the fund’s criteria so that they better meet the needs of councils. Some mayors considered the funds’ criteria too restrictive, for example when priority is given to councils which are at their lending limit. There are a range of things we can look at but any changes may have to go through Cabinet so will likely be implemented from round three or four.”
The second round of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund totals $10.7 million. In December 2017, $14.2 million was awarded to various local councils for 30 visitor-related infrastructure projects and four feasibility studies in the first round of the fund.
For more information for round two of the Tourism Infrastructure Fund visit: