Nursing evening can answer your questions

Source: NorthTec – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Nursing evening can answer your questions

Anyone interested in studying nursing at NorthTec can come along to special information evenings to find out more.

Information sessions about the Bachelor of Nursing will be held at both the Raumanga and Kaitaia campuses, on Thursday, 10 May.

The Raumanga event takes place in the Interactive Learning Centre lecture theatre (Room D350), and runs from 5pm to 7pm. This is located near Gate 1 in Raumanga Valley Road.

The Kaitaia session will be held in Room 1 of the campus in Oxford Street, and runs from 4pm to 6pm.

All are welcome to find out about this popular, three-year degree programme, and attendees will have the chance to ask any questions they may have. The NorthTec programme combines online delivery with classroom teaching, with clinical placements in a variety of healthcare settings.

Both information sessions will feature a presentation on the degree programme from senior nursing staff, followed by an open session for questions. Nurse lecturers will give an overview of the programme, as well as explaining the entry criteria and application process. They will also give options of other programmes available to people if they do not meet the entry criteria for nursing.

A member of NorthTec’s enrolments team will also be present, to supply enrolment packs and answer any questions around the process.