Ministers welcome another climate change breakthrough at International Maritime Organisation

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Ministers welcome another climate change breakthrough at International Maritime Organisation

Climate Change Minister James Shaw and Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter today welcomed the successful adoption of a maritime greenhouse gas emissions reduction strategy at the United Nations International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
Yesterday the IMO agreed a strategy to reduce international shipping emissions by 50 per cent by 2050, compared to 2008 levels, and urgently phase out emissions from shipping this century.
“This is another important breakthrough in the global effort to preserve a safe and stable climate for future generations,” said Mr Shaw.
“There is now clear agreement that international shipping must urgently act to reduce emissions.
“The world is moving to take action on climate change and the New Zealand Government is proud to be part of that movement.
“I thank all those involved in the negotiations, especially the members of the High Ambition Coalition led by the Marshall Islands, who pushed for an effective outcome,” Mr Shaw said.
“The transport sector has an important role to play in the global climate change effort,” said Ms Genter.
“Developing clean, low-emission shipping will be vital for island nations like New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours.
“The IMO strategy is another significant example of what can be achieved when governments step up and countries work together,” Ms Genter said.