Listening to the needs of young Karori families – consultation means future of crèche on hold

Source: New Zealand Plunket Society – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Listening to the needs of young Karori families – consultation means future of crèche on hold

Statement from Plunket Chief Executive Amanda Malu:

“We’ve heard a wide variety of views, ideas and questions following our decision to no longer provide early childhood education in Karori. Some members of the Karori community understand why we’ve made this difficult decision and others feel it should stay to serve local families.

“With over 700 Karori families currently using a wide variety of our services we think it’s important we get the broadest view possible of the needs in this community. We are going to listen and consult with these Karori families and other stakeholders to understand how we can best support Karori children.

“The future status of the Karori Plunket Crèche is on hold until this consultation is complete and there are final decisions about services in Karori. We have offered existing crèche families an interim childcare service at our Plunket buildings while this consultation takes place. We know this situation has been difficult for some families and we genuinely want to offer all the support we can.

“We would like to again assure the Karori community that our Plunket nursing service, our free parenting programmes and our various groups and services were never impacted by the decision to close the crèche. We will continue to deliver those services but this consultation is about how we can make the biggest difference in the community.

“As a 110 year-old organisation we’ve constantly changed as the needs of families have changed in that time. So we know change is hard and not always comfortable. But we genuinely want to learn from this process, using it to inform how we better engage with other communities in the future.”

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