Planning scholar awarded for practice book

Source: Massey University – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Planning scholar awarded for practice book

Associate Professor Caroline Miller, co-editor and contributor to an award-winning new book on planning practice.

Book cover

We are all affected by planners and planning regulations, whether doing up or building a home, to council decisions about public spaces and facilities.

A Massey expert on the subject has received an award for her new book – the first comprehensive guide on planning for students and professionals.

Associate Professor Caroline Miller, based in the School of People, Environment and Planning, is the co-winner of the John Mawson Award of Merit for a book, Planning Practice in New Zealand,(published by Lexis Nexis). A co-editor with Dr Lee Beattie, she wrote several chapters for the book – an up-to-date and broad discussion of the practical issues and challenges faced in the application of planning law in New Zealand. 

The award was announced at the New Zealand Planning Institute’s  2018 conference recently.

Dr Miller, a former planning practitioner with 20 years’ experience and a particular interest in the Resource Management Act, says she and her co-editor realised there was a need for a book on day-to-day planning practice, covering the gamut from rural planning to heritage and professional ethics.

“We saw it as a book that would complement the legal perspectives while bridging the gap between theory and practice,” she says.

Creating a book, which comprises 21 chapters, was “challenging” in that it caters for a diverse audience, she adds.

Parts of the book reflect Dr Miller’s strong research interests, such as the involvement of Māori in planning processes, the development of the planning profession, and professional conduct and practice.

The work begins with an introduction to the New Zealand planning process and relevant legislation before discussing the implementation of the Resource Management Act and examining topics such as the Local Government Act; natural hazards; urban design and heritage design, and transportation planning. 

Written by leading academics and planning practitioners – including a number of former Massey students – the publishers describe the book as; “a unique and invaluable resource for all those involved in New Zealand planning practice including planners, planning advisors and consultants, architects, heritage consultants, compliance managers, resource officers and legal advisors.”

Planning Practice in New Zealand is already proving to be an important resource for students and professionals alike, and this award is well-deserved recognition from your peers for your efforts and passion in this important work,” said Chris Murray, Head of content management, LexisNexis New Zealand Ltd.

Dr Miller, who is based at the Manawatū campus, is a former board member of the New Zealand Planning Institute and received a Distinguished Service Award from that Institute in 2007. 

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