Oil and gas changes show Govt’s brazen arrogance

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Oil and gas changes show Govt’s brazen arrogance

“The Government has shown breathtaking arrogance by keeping the oil and gas industry in the dark over changes to the sector”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Fronting media today, it was abundantly clear that the Government hadn’t consulted the industry on the changes.

“The Government has set up about 40 reviews, working groups, or panels, and yet it appears unwilling to consult those who disagree with them on policy.

“This is an emerging theme with the Government.

“Food executives came away shocked at Ministers’ behaviour after David Clark and Damien O’Connor threatened them with a sugar tax if they didn’t voluntarily reduce the level of sugar in their food.

“David Parker’s colleagues are concerned he has neglected consultation with iwi on charging a royalty on bottled water exports.

“Speaking about a water tax during the election campaign, Parker told farmers ‘I’m not here to negotiate. Don’t push me or it will be two cents instead of one cent.’

“Chris Hipkins hasn’t even bothered to speak to charter school operators or students since he became a Minister and is pushing ahead with plans to close the schools.

“The brazen arrogance with which this Government is operating lays bare the contempt they hold for those who disagree with them”, says Mr Seymour.