Consultation opens on Block Offer 2018

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Consultation opens on Block Offer 2018

Energy and Resources Minister Megan Woods has today announced the start of consultation with iwi and hapū on the proposed Block Offer 2018 release area for petroleum exploration permits.
The proposed release area is restricted to the onshore Taranaki Basin, and covers a 1,703 square kilometre area.
“The onshore Taranaki Basin has a long history of oil and gas production and exploration,” said Megan Woods.
“The purpose of the consultation is to identify areas of sensitivity or significance that I need to be made aware of.  This could include sites that might need to be protected for their cultural, social or spiritual significance.
“Iwi and hapū can request the removal of areas within blocks, or put conditions on any permits over certain areas to protect them.
“To be clear, the area for consultation includes a small amount of conservation land – approximately 2 percent of the entire release area. All conservation land will be excluded from the final tenders.
Iwi and hapū will have 40-working days to make a submission and the final area for tender is expected to be announced in August.
Further information will be made available at