Australian racing expert to review NZ racing industry

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Australian racing expert to review NZ racing industry

Racing Minister Winston Peters has announced the government has appointed senior Australian racing expert John Messara to review the New Zealand racing industry’s governance structures, and provide recommendations on future directions for the industry.
“Racing is a significant industry creating $1.6 billion to GDP annually, it employs up to 50,000 people, and has many passionate supporters. However, it is vital an assessment is conducted on whether the industry is meeting its full financial potential, and whether its governance arrangements are top heavy,” said Mr Peters. 
“For this reason it is pleasing Mr Messara has agreed to conduct a strategic review to provide advice to the Government,” he said.
“Mr Messara is considered one of Australia’s most successful racing administrators. As Chair of both Racing New South Wales and Racing Australia, he led reforms to increase and secure long-term revenue,” Mr Peters says.
“His review will also assist the government in determining if the current Racing Act 2003 and the proposed Racing Amendment Bill are fit for purpose,” he said.
Mr Messara will start the review later this month with the objective of producing a report by mid-year. He will be provided administrative support through the Department of Internal Affairs.
Contact: Stephen Parker 021 195 3528