What Bridges should have said on taxes and spending

Source: ACT Party

Headline: What Bridges should have said on taxes and spending

“Simon Bridges’ interview with Stuff this morning sent the wrong message to voters who value freedom, choice, and limited government”, says ACT Leader David Seymour.

“Mr Bridges should have publicly committed to reversing the coalition’s Provincial Growth Fund, its fees-free policy, and other big spending promises. He should also have guaranteed to raise the age of eligibility for superannuation.

“If he committed to this, ACT would deliver meaningful tax cuts with a top tax rate of 25 per cent.

“Instead, it appears National will continue its tendency to campaign from the right, and govern from the left.

“National is committed to limited government in opposition, but lacks the fortitude to reverse socialist policies when they get the chance.

“You only have to recall recent history to predict how National will behave when it regains the Treasury benches. John Key called Working for Families as ‘communism by stealth’ and then retained it.

“New Zealanders who care about freedom, choice, and personal responsibility deserve much better.

“Only ACT is committed to reversing Labour’s tax and spend policies as part of the next centre-right government”, says Mr Seymour.