Bill to introduce second-tier patent system drawn

Source: National Party – Headline: Bill to introduce second-tier patent system drawn

New Zealand innovators could get a smoother path to success, as a Member’s Bill is drawn for debate in Parliament to provide intellectual property rights to advancements that may not qualify for a standard patent.

National Party Science and Innovation spokesperson Dr Parmjeet Parmar will introduce the bill which has been drafted after taking into account experience from European countries and Australia, especially the most recent recommendations for a similar initiative to make the Australian system more effective.

“My Patents (Advancement Patents) Amendment Bill will introduce a more accessible and cost-effective second-tier patent system that will protect novel creations that don’t qualify for the standard patent,” Dr Parmar says.

“I am very committed to providing innovator protection over the use of their creation through a second-tier patent system, providing an opportunity for visionaries and creative people to keep working on their innovations without fear of being copied.

“It will also provide forward-thinking people with the opportunity to commercialise their creation whilst continuing the vital research and development component of our economy.

“Protecting ideas and advancements will help New Zealand innovators to stay competitive and stand out on the international stage.

“I will be seeking cross-parliament support for this bill.

“We should not be waiting – we must promote the advancement of technology and my bill will help ensure that New Zealanders continue to benefit from their creativity and innovation with a system that better supports the development of new and forward-thinking ideas.”