Health Minister must release conflict statement

Source: National Party – Headline: Health Minister must release conflict statement

The Minister for Health David Clark has acknowledged that there is a conflict of interest with the independent reviewer of the $90 million National Oracle Solution IT programme, but is yet to release the details, National Party associate spokesperson for Health Dr Shane Reti says.

“Under prolonged questioning in the House this week, the Health Minister admitted that a conflict exists with the independent reviewer of the National Oracle solution project but suggests that because it had been declared there is nothing to worry about,” Dr Reti says.

“Even if, as he suggests, there is nothing to worry about with Deloitte’s review of their subsidiary company’s programme he needs to release the conflicts statement so that the sector can have confidence in the programme.

“This is a vital project that will lead to savings for the health sector and improvements in patient care, but the delays are causing significant uncertainty and cost to the Health sector.

“The Minister’s vague assurances that the conflict has been managed are not enough. The taxpayer can reasonably expect to hold the Minister to account for what may be millions of dollars.

“I am asking for the Minister to release the reviewer’s conflict of interest statement so that once the review of the programme is complete and the programme is finalised the sector can have confidence in the National Oracle Solution going forward.”