Māori Electoral Option packs in the mail | Media releases

Source: Electoral Commission – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Māori Electoral Option packs in the mail | Media releases

Information packs will be sent to 477,000 Māori voters this week as the 2018 Māori Electoral Option gets underway.

The Option runs from 3 April to 2 August and is when Māori voters can choose to be on the Māori roll or the general roll for the next two general elections.  Voters on the Māori roll will vote for a candidate in a Māori electorate and voters on the general roll will vote for a candidate in a general electorate.

“Look out for the Māori Electoral Option pack addressed to you in your mail box this week,” says Mandy Bohté, Electoral Commission National Manager of Enrolment and Community Engagement.  “It will tell you which roll you’re on and give you the option of changing roll types.

“If you’re happy with the roll you’re on, you don’t need to do anything.  If you do want to change rolls, then sign the letter and return it to us,” says Ms Bohté.  The letter can be returned by post or uploaded to www.maorioption.org.nz.

Packs are being sent to people who identified themselves as being of Māori descent when they enrolled to vote.  Voters won’t receive a pack if they have changed address, didn’t identify themselves as being of Māori descent when they enrolled, or are not enrolled.

“If you’re a Māori voter and don’t receive a pack in the post, go to our website to download an enrolment form,” says Ms Bohté.  “You’ll be able to update your enrolment details, and choose which roll you want to be on, at the same time.”

For more information go to www.maorioption.org.nz or call 0800 36 76 56.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

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