Source: Green Party
Headline: Greens welcome chief science advisor’s prisons report
The Green Party is welcoming a report released by the Prime Minister’s Chief Scientist, Sir Peter Gluckman, which acknowledges our justice system is broken and incarcerating more New Zealanders won’t fix it.
“This report points the way forward for justice in New Zealand, and fits with what the Green Party has been advocating for some time,” said Green Party justice spokesperson Golriz Ghahraman.
“I know, having worked on the frontlines of our criminal justice system, that so-called ‘tough-on-crime’ rhetoric and policies do not stop crime or protect victims; the data and evidence clearly shows that.
“If we take that approach, our prison population will continue to rise at record rates.
“We need a justice system that prioritises early intervention, rehabilitation and mental health and addiction support.
“The Green Party has always seen imprisonment as the ambulance at the bottom of the cliff when it comes to making our communities safe.
“As law-makers, we need the courage to change tack, based on what the evidence tells us will actually reduce crime.
“We will continue to push for changes to our justice system to ensure it’s more equitable, and serves a better purpose than just locking people away,” said Ms Ghahraman.