Return to Nursing – Open Day

Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Return to Nursing – Open Day

In conjunction with Wintec, Waikato DHB is hosting an open day to provide information, support and advice on completing a return to Nursing Programme at Wintec.

When: Friday 6 April 2018
Time: 9am to 2pm
Venue: Bryant Education Centre, Waikato Hospital

We’d like to support you in your completion of a Return to Nursing Programme and help you secure a registered nurse position at Waikato Hospital.

You can see what a successful return to nursing candidate will receive on our jobs section.

The open day will provide you with the opportunity to:

  • talk to clinical nurses about career opportunities
  • talk to WINTEC representatives about course options
  • get an understanding of what it is like to work at Waikato Hospital
  • what additional support Waikato DHB can provide so you can complete the programme and come and work here.

We have many new and exciting jobs coming soon to keep up with Hamilton’s growing population, including a new acute clinical area at Waikato Hospital.

Most of all, providing extra support to our current nursing team is really important to us – so you will be helping us to help them by significantly increasing our numbers of nurses on the floor.

If you are interested but can’t attend on the day, please contact us anyway. We look forward to hearing from you, and hopefully seeing you in person at open day.

For more information contact


For more information visit WINTEC’s Certificate in Nursing (Competency Assessment Programme).