Source: Waikato District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:
Headline: For Health Professionals
Support information for health care professionals using SmartHealth and HealthTap.
Map of Medicine
Access to locally customised pathways, centrally controlled referral forms and clinical information.
For GPs
Includes GP Liaison Primary Care Newsletter and contact information for the GP Liaison team.
Reduces travel for meetings, enabling additional training opportunities for rural medical staff.
Mental Health referrals
Summary of where to refer acute and non-acute mental health patients.
Clinical Workstation
Support information for health care professionals using Clinical Workstation.
Public Health Bulletins
Monthly communicable diseases notification report and advice issued by the medical officers of health, Waikato DHB.
Vaccinator authorisation and immunisation videos
Authorising and re-authorising of vaccinators within and outside the Waikato DHB region, plus four videos with helpful tips for immunisers on how to have a conversation about immunisation. region.
Notifiable and communicable diseases
Includes flowcharts for health professionals and notification forms for measles, mumps and pertussis.
Rheumatic Fever
Sore throat rapid response services in the Waikato.
Emergency management
Plans and templates for stakeholder organisations.
Library services
Waikato DHB Library services for health professionals in the Waikato.
Inspiring People
Website for nurses practicing in aged residential and aged community care in the Waikato.