Source: New Zealand Nurses Organisation
Headline: NZNO MECA meetings coming to a close
Media Release 22 March 2018
NZNO MECA meetings coming to a close
NZNO Industrial Services Manager Cee Payne explains that voting on the proposed mediated offer on the DHB Multi-Employer Collective Agreement for members employed by DHBs will close on Friday 23 March (tomorrow).
Our members’ decision will be communicated to the DHB employer representatives on Monday 26 March. Members will be informed of their decision shortly thereafter.
The collective employment agreement covers 27,000 nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants.
“The turn out to meetings has been high in this round of DHB MECA negotiations and we acknowledge our members’ commitment to engaging in the ballot when work environments are busy,” Cee Payne said
“A decade of severe health budget underfunding combined with growing community need for health services, and the demands of an ageing population have impacted negatively on our members working lives.
“The ‘#hearourvoice’ social media, NZNO Facebook posts and the NZNO ‘I heart nurses’ campaign reflect the emotion of our members and their real sense of being undervalued.
“There are a number of complexities involved in this big decision for members this time,” Cee Payne said.
Media Enquires to NZNO Media adviser Karen Coltman: 027 431 2617.