He Waka Kakarauri

Source: Northland District Health Board – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: He Waka Kakarauri

A Model for Engaging Māori in Advance Care Planning (ACP) Conversations

On behalf of the Northland Māori ACP Working Group, it is my pleasure to present He Waka Kakarauri: A model for engaging Māori in Advance Care Planning (ACP) conversations. This model has been developed following earlier work by the former Northern Regional Māori ACP Tool Task Team, and more recently as an outcome from co-design hui held with consumers and healthcare workers in Northland.

Advance care planning is a process of discussion and shared planning for future health and end of life care. It involves the patient, their whānau and healthcare team working in partnership. ACP aims to ensure patients feel better informed about future care and treatment choices; and healthcare workers are informed about patients’ care preferences. Conversations on this topic are not easy – they require considerable skill and sensitivity. The value of ACP however, lies in these shared conversations and understanding.

The guide, Rarangi Tohutohu o te Waka Kakarauri, has been developed to assist Māori patients, whānau and healthcare workers to engage in these conversations in a way that is culturally appropriate and mindful of the sensitive nature of this topic. The booklet contains a tear-out resource that patients may choose to fill in should they wish to write some of their thoughts and preferences about their healthcare.

There is also a poster which we encourage you to display, as a focal talking point when introducing advance care planning.

Margareth Broodkoorn
Director of Nursing and Midwifery | Northland District Health Board

How to Use or Order

The booklet and poster are available to download from this page. Printed copies of the booklet can also be ordered from Calders Design & Print Co. by emailing design@calders.co.nz who will provide you with a quote based on the number of copies you would like to order.

Price Details

(delivery not included)

 Quantity 250 500 700 1000
 Production $991.50 $1,338.76 $1,693.89 $2,043.52
 Unit Price $3.97 $2.68 $2.26 $2.04


Whilst He Waka Kakarauri was designed in Northland, other iwi are welcome to adapt it to suit their kawa.
Should you wish to request any changes, please contact Calders who will produce a new print file following approval from the Northland Māori ACP Working Group.

Please note that there will be a design charge to produce the new print file.


Te Hokinga ā Wairua – End of Life Service

Things can be eased for loved ones when they understand more about what’s happening following a death, and what someone’s wishes are.
