The Partnerships Fund – the story so far

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Aid and Development – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: The Partnerships Fund – the story so far

The New Zealand Partnerships for International Development Fund seeks to harness the potential of New Zealand organisations to work with local partners to create ongoing benefits for developing countries. The Partnerships Fund is contestable, and open to organisations across sectors to support a wide range of activities and themes.

The first round of the Partnerships Fund took place in late 2012. Since then:

69 activities have been approved by the Chief Executive of MFAT, and 66 activities are underway (either being designed or being implemented). One activity has already completed.

Of the 67 activities in design, being implemented or completed:

  • 34 in the Pacific
  • 15 in Southeast Asia
  • 18 in the Rest of the world
  • 28 countries are benefitting.
  • 37 organisations have had activities approved
  • 25 charitable organisations
  • 11 State Sector organisations
  • 1 Private Sector organisation

 Activities by theme:

  • 28 support investing in economic development
  • 27 support promoting human development
  • 6 support building safe and secure communities
  • 6 support improving resilience and responding to disasters

Examples of what is being achieved

Supporting business opportunities in Tonga

Partnership with Oxfam

Oxfam is working with its local partner Tonga National Youth Congress (TNYC) to build an economically sustainable social enterprise in Tonga. This five-year activity has value chain coverage for the production and supply of organic certified virgin coconut oil to the global market. TNYC has developed a supply agreement with New Zealand company Heilala and its virgin coconut oil has been stocked in Countdown supermarkets across New Zealand since late 2014. In the month of April 2015 TNYC significantly exceeded its previous production records and supplied 3,300 litres of virgin coconut oil to Heilala, bringing TOP$34,385 of foreign exchange earnings into the local economy. This business venture is providing Tongan people with employment, skills and a cash income that would not otherwise be available to people in rural areas.

Using technology to address Gender Based Violence in Papua New Guinea

Partnership with ChildFund

ChildFund is working in PNG to establish a tele-counselling hotline for victims of gender-based violence. The service is linked to a network of service providers that callers can be referred to. The hotline will be the first integrated service in PNG that offers immediate advice and support to survivors. It will provide a national mechanism to build greater government intervention in gender-based violence. ChildFund is working with a range of other organisations on the tele-counselling hotline, including the Family and Sexual Violence Action Committee. A New Zealand Volunteer Service Abroad volunteer is also providing support to hotline staff. ChildFund has also partnered with telecommunications company Digicel to enable a free-to-call hotline number for mobiles.

High Tech Skills for education and employment in Fiji

Partnership with High Tech Youth

The New Zealand based High Tech Youth Network is increasing the connectivity and learning opportunities of youth in Lami, Fiji. Youth and their community learn high tech skills and gain access to the potential of the broadband economy, via a community facility and formal and informal learning programmes. The facility is in place and has been in operation for a few months. A number of programmes have been completed, with training empowering local youth and local partners to lead the programme within Lami town delivered. The intention is for youth and community of Lami town to use high tech skills to further their education and employment opportunities within Fiji and also within the global market.