Source: National Party – Headline: Public media panel void of Maori representation
The Government has set out to ignore the voices of Maori by ensuring that there is no Maori representation on the panel which will investigate funding allocated to public media, Maori Development spokesperson Nuk Korako says.
“Public media platforms are one of the few avenues Maori have to communicate their views, but the Government’s latest commission – the one that will allocate millions to media organisations – is void of any Maori representation,” Mr Korako says.
“Maori public media platforms including Radio Waatea, Maori Television, and the various regional Maori radio stations rely on public funding, so any decision on the future of Maori public media should include consultation with Maori.
“Are they saying that Maori voices don’t matter? These are the places dedicated to sharing our reo and our stories.
“This panel is extremely important and will essentially decide the future of public media in New Zealand.
“Clearly Labour has been paying lip service to its commitment to Maori. The pre-election rhetoric is not matching up with its actions now in Government.
“So far Maori have seen very little benefit from the Labour MPs who claim they are there to represent Maori. The deliberate snubbing of Maori in these appointments is bitterly disappointing.”