Source: New Zealand Plunket Society – Press Release/Statement:
Headline: Plunket in the news
Tonight One News ran a story regarding Plunket’s decision to close our Karori crèche and also included mention of our ongoing work with the Culverden community regarding a Plunket property.
The story suggested that Plunket was taking or selling the Culverden building. This is not the case. We want to maintain a strong presence in communities and many of our buildings play an important role in connecting families to Plunket’s services.
In 2016, Plunket’s Area Boards voted for Plunket to become a single unified entity. In areas with an active area society and volunteer base Plunket’s extra services were plentiful, but in others, often those that needed it most, dwindling volunteer numbers and fewer members to support area societies, meant there were few community services at all. This structure had led to disparities in our support to communities.
The vote to come together was an historic step and one that has given us the full strength of Plunket’s people, property and resources to really make the difference for families across the country – especially our most vulnerable.
Across New Zealand, we’ve made a commitment that if there are any plans to change a property a Plunket community uses, we will engage first. This is part of the Plunket Trust Deed to ensure our volunteers understand that local consultation remains a priority.
Plunket was built on the hard work of volunteers and we continue to treasure that. We also greatly appreciate the generous support – financial and otherwise – offered by others including funders, partners, and sponsors.
You can read about Plunket’s direction in our strategy, The Journey Towards Generational Change 2016-2021.
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