Your chance to decide what’s fair – Tax Working Group open for feedback

Source: Council Of Trade Unions (CTU) – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Your chance to decide what’s fair – Tax Working Group open for feedback

The Council of Trade Unions Secretary Sam Huggard says participation by working people and users of public services is vital for a fair outcome in the Government’s Tax Working Group consultation process. “People in paid work make up a huge proportion of the Government’s revenue stream through their income tax, as well as benefiting from the social services and protection powered by tax,” he says.

“Whether you drive on a road, ride in a bus or cycle to work – before you even get there your day has been improved by tax. Everyone in New Zealand is a user of our health services, and everyone benefits from the education that produces capable citizens. Tax is the way we protect our quality of life so we can all enjoy a stable and safe society.”

“Some countries place more emphasis on involving taxpayers in decisions about funding public services, through education and civic engagement. The Council of Trade Unions wants widespread involvement in the Tax Working Group. We will work with other community NGOs like ActionStation and Hui E! to improve the understanding of tax in New Zealand.”

“Decisions which affect all of us, and disproportionately impact on the most vulnerable in society, should be made inclusively. We’d like to see a process that asks everyone about the public services they value and the social outcomes they see as fair. The aim should be to make our tax arrangements as democratic and sustainable as possible.”

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