Labour Must Refer Youth Wing Incident to Police

Source: ACT Party

Headline: Labour Must Refer Youth Wing Incident to Police

ACT Leader David Seymour has challenged the Labour Party to refer allegations that minors were drinking alcohol at a Young Labour camp to Police.

Section 241(1) of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 stipulates that a “person who supplies alcohol to a minor commits an offence”. 

“In 2012, Labour MPs were incensed over National’s supposedly weak approach to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Bill, including provisions relating to the supply of alcohol to minors”, says Mr Seymour.

“At least 11 Labour MPs including David Clark, Andrew Little, Phil Twyford, Iain Lees-Galloway, Aupito William Sio, and Louisa Wall drafted amendments aimed at beefing up minimum pricing, advertising and sponsorship, warning labels, trading hours, and local alcohol policies. 

“Labour’s minority report on the Bill said that an ‘historic opportunity to address the problems that alcohol contributes has been lost.’

“Iain Lees-Galloway called the bill ‘insipid’ and accused then-Justice Minister Judith Collins of doing a deal with a “very well-resourced supermarket lobby” to weaken the bill. 

“Galloway said that supermarket shoppers should be able to shop without being exposed to alcohol. 

“I would suggest that teenagers should be able to attend events organised by political parties without being exposed to alcohol. 

“It beggars belief that the Labour Party – so strong on alcohol reform in opposition – has not referred this matter to Police. It must do so now”, says Mr Seymour.