Minister wishes Kiwi Para athletes success for PyeongChang

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Minister wishes Kiwi Para athletes success for PyeongChang

Minister for Disability Issues Carmel Sepuloni wishes New Zealand’s Para athletes the best of luck as the PyeongChang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games commence this weekend. 
 “On behalf of all New Zealanders I wish the team the very best as they represent us on the world stage in South Korea,” Minister Sepuloni said.
 “Like many Kiwis across the country I will be following our Para athletes’ progress with great interest and I know the team will do us proud competing in the coming days. 
 “Corey Peters, Adam Hall and Carl Murphy continue to show themselves as ambassadors and inspirational role models to all New Zealanders with their talent, commitment and hard work taking them to the top of their sports.
 “A special congratulations to our proud flag bearer Corey Peters selected to lead the New Zealand team into the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium overnight. 
 “I also applaud the hard work, training and dedication of the support team, their coaches and officials in helping prepare the athletes for this event.
 “New Zealand has a great tradition of achievement in the Paralympics, which all New Zealand can be proud of.
 “I look forward to congratulating our Para athletes in person when we officially welcome them home,” Ms Sepuloni said.
 The 10-strong team of three Paralympians and seven support staff are among an estimated 670 Para athletes from 45 countries competing at the games.