Brazil: Yellow Fever outbreak

Source: New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade – Safe Travel – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Brazil: Yellow Fever outbreak

Yellow fever is an acute viral disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Infection with the yellow fever virus causes varying degrees of disease, from mild symptoms to severe illness with bleeding and jaundice. About 15% of people infected with yellow fever progress to a severe form of the illness, and half of those will die, as there is no cure for yellow fever.

Sue loves her job after 40 years service

Source: Tairawhiti District Health – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Sue loves her job after 40 years service

Sue Cranston with her daughters Kylie Dowding and Kimberley Cranston.

After 40 years dedicated service to nursing, many of those years spent supporting children and whānau in Tairāwhiti Sue Cranston still loves her job.

A highlight of Sue’s career has been working in Planet Sunshine and contributing to many improvements to the service. Sue is the Paediatric Quality and Education Coordinator. “I am passionate about improving the quality of care to our children and families and being able to contribute to making improvements for staff. I work with a great team of people who show respect, care and work well together.”

She is known as the lady of the night in reference to her many years of service in Planet Sunshine as a senior night nurse whose calm and caring manner has kept mums, babies and her colleagues safe and reassured.

Sue trained at Christchurch Polytechnic. It was the second year of the “new “ way of training and there was only a choice of Wellington, Christchurch and a new school in Nelson. “I chose Christchurch, learnt to ski and met my husband Andy while down there! Because this was a new way to train nurses we felt we had to prove ourselves against the still active apprenticeship type training.” 

After graduating Sue worked for two years at Waikato Hospital in the surgical and then high dependency wards. “As soon as my two-year bonded period was completed, Andy and I headed off on our OE. We stayed for eight years. I worked in South Africa, London and in Cornwall. We would work for a while, then travel for a while. We visited so many countries including a five-month overland trip through Africa (a travel highlight). We also lived for a year in France.

When we finally returned to New Zealand I was 5 months pregnant. I got a temporary job in Paediatrics until just before Kylie was born. When a night shift job came up a few months later, I applied I have been ever since.” 

I have seen many changes in my time here that make a real difference to the people we care for. We now have different/better models of care, rapidly advancing technology and we work in partnership with whānau who are part of caring for their child. Parents can now stay with their child; homesickness used to be so difficult to deal with in the night. 

Nursing is now a highly qualified profession. Nurses need a Bachelor’s degree and postgraduate education is encouraged. We now have opportunities for nurses to become Nurse Practitioners and now Nurse Prescribers to make the most of their skills. 

“Taking on the quality then the education roles has been a highlight of my career. I am proud of the many improvements I have been a part of. Developing the play specialist service, creating a virtual tour of Planet Sunshine, pain management manuals, Paediatric Early Warning Score charts, entrance art are some of the things that come to mind. 

Sue Cranston’s 40 years dedicated service to nursing and support of the children and whānau in Tairāwhiti was acknowledged recently by Nurses and Midwives of Tairāwhiti (NAMOT). Colleague Natasha Ashworth spoke about Sue’s dedication to other nurses. Sue is not just passionate about the children and whānau in Planet Sunshine but also her nursing colleagues. Sue has been a proponent of nurse education, encouraging nurses to gain postgraduate qualifications as well as organising local education sessions in pain management for the team and wider hospital group. Sue supports the new graduate nurses in their portfolio preparation and with their projects. As Sue is a portfolio assessor she also has the opportunity to encourage nurses across the DHB to work on the quality of their portfolios. This she does in a kind, professional and supportive manner, offering practical feedback and suggestions.

Sue is described as being a role model to all staff both new and old. She role models the WAKA values: showing whakarangatira with her quality work, awhi to nurses across the DHB, kotahitanga as she steps up to Clinical Nurse Manager in Deb McKay’s absence and aroha for the whanau in her care.

Thank you to Sue Cranston for 40 years dedicated service to nursing and support of the children and whanau in Tairawhiti.

Sue is pictured with her daughters Kylie Dowding and Kimberley Cranston.


Build in time through Kawarau Gorge and Haast to Makarora this week as Central Otago summer road sealing is completed

Source: New Zealand Transport Agency – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Build in time through Kawarau Gorge and Haast to Makarora this week as Central Otago summer road sealing is completed

  • Drivers through the Kawarau Gorge this week need to build in an extra 35 minutes with sealing underway while the temperature is warm. 
  • Between Haast and Makarora, drivers should build in an extra 20 minutes.

NZ Transport Agency Central Otago Maintenance Contract Manager Mark Stewart says measures have been put in place to help ensure there isn’t a repeat of the lengthy delays in the Kawarau Gorge which occurred on a recent Friday afternoon, while the Crown Range Road was also closed.  But there will still be delays, so drivers need to be prepared and build in extra time, he says. 

The Transport Agency thanks all road users for their patience while the last stages of this important work are finished, and for the safety of roads crews, please take care when driving through work sites and stick to the temporary speed limits.” 

Two major road maintenance projects are currently in progress in Central Otago: 

Kawarau Gorge (SH6 between Cromwell and Queenstown): programmed for completion by the end of March.  Sealing is scheduled to start on either Tuesday 6 March or Wednesday 7 March, weather permitting.  Please allow an extra 35 minutes travel time for your trips on this route in the coming week, says Mr Stewart.

Haast Pass (SH6 between Haast and Makarora): programmed for completion by mid to late March.  Delays of up to 20 minutes should be expected during the final stages of this project.

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UOW hosts Tauranga Study Options Fair

Source: University of Waikato – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: UOW hosts Tauranga Study Options Fair

On Friday 16 March, the University is hosting the Tauranga Study Options Fair to introduce our new Tauranga city campus, the academic programmes that will be offered and the student experience that will be unique to the beautiful Bay of Plenty.

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Announcement of Ambassador to Republic of Korea

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Announcement of Ambassador to Republic of Korea

Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters has appointed senior business leader and former diplomat Philip Turner as New Zealand’s next Ambassador to the Republic of Korea.
Mr Turner has extensive experience working in North Asia. He has held a number of senior positions at Fonterra, and most recently as Director of Global Stakeholder Affairs. Prior to joining Fonterra, Mr Turner held a number of roles in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, including postings to the New Zealand Embassies in Tokyo and Brussels.
“Mr Turner’s background as both as a diplomat and a policy leader, as well as his extensive private sector experience, will help us grow our economic links, while continuing to deepen the political and people-to-people ties which underpin this vibrant relationship,” Mr Peters said.
“New Zealand and Korea are natural partners in the Asia-Pacific. We have a wide-ranging and modern partnership, built upon our shared sacrifice during the Korean War.
“Since the entry into force of our Free Trade Agreement with Korea in 2015, trade between our two countries has continued to flourish. There is scope for both sides to grow these benefits.
“We work closely with the Republic of Korea on North Korean nuclear issues, and New Zealand continues to support a diplomatic and peaceful resolution to the situation on the Korean Peninsula,” Mr Peters said.
Contact: Alex Masters, Press Secretary, 021 809 186

Students, staff and tertiary education sector leaders call for change

Source: Tertiary Education Union – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Students, staff and tertiary education sector leaders call for change

Students, staff, and institutional leaders represented at the Voices from Tertiary Education forum on 1 March 2018 at Manukau Institute of Technology, have called on the Minister for Education, Chris Hipkins, to develop a new funding model for vocational education and training that meets the needs of all New Zealanders. Representatives at the forum called for […]

Minister’s address to the 2018 IFA conference

Source: New Zealand Inland Revenue Department – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Minister’s address to the 2018 IFA conference

The Minister of Revenue, Hon Stuart Nash, spoke at the International Fiscal Association’s conference over the weekend. The Minister focussed on the current priorities facing the Government, particularly measures currently being considered to make the tax system fairer and more business-friendly. For more information see the Minister of Revenue’s speech.

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Update – serious crash, Invercargill

Source: New Zealand Police –

Headline: Update – serious crash, Invercargill



Police can confirm that a man has died following a two-vehicle crash on Bay Rd, Invercargill.

Emergency services were called to the scene just before 8.30pm last night.

A woman from the same vehicle was taken to Southland Hospital and is in a stable condition.

Another man from the other vehicle was taken to hospital in a critical condition.

The Serious Crash Unit will investigate the cause of the crash.


Police Media Centre

Auckland Police to host public Open Day

Source: New Zealand Police –

Headline: Auckland Police to host public Open Day


Auckland City

Auckland City, Waitemata and Counties Manukau Police are joining forces to host a public Open Day at the ASB Showgrounds this Sunday.

The Open Day will have something for everyone, according to Assistant Commissioner (Districts) John Tims.

“All three police districts in Tamaki Makaurau have come together to host this Open Day and it will have a range of activities showcasing the diverse roles and teams within Police.

Recovery package for Samoa following Cyclone Gita

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Recovery package for Samoa following Cyclone Gita

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has today announced $3 million in funding to assist Samoa with its recovery work and building resilience following Cyclone Gita.
“Cyclone Gita brought flooding to low lying and coastal areas of both Samoa’s main islands, causing damage to homes, businesses and infrastructure.
“There is much work to do to recover from this and build resilience to these storms so the people of Samoa can ready themselves for these events as much as possible in the future.
“Funding announced today will be provided directly to the Samoan Government to support the recovery and building of more resilient infrastructure.”
The impact of Cyclone Gita on Samoa was the focus of the Prime Minister’s meeting with Prime Minister Tuila’epa and his Cabinet this morning. She was also briefed on the recovery work so far.
“The impact of Cyclone Gita has been felt across the region, including in New Zealand, and the Government is committed to helping communities at home and in the Pacific recover as quickly as possible,” Jacinda Ardern says.