Forestry registration rights to be brought into Overseas Investment screening regime

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Forestry registration rights to be brought into Overseas Investment screening regime

Cabinet has agreed to changes to the treatment of overseas investments in forestry rights that will see them brought into the Overseas Investment Act screening regime.
At the same time a new streamlined approval path will be opened for overseas investors buying forestry rights that will make it easier to gain approval. 
Associate Finance Minister David Parker said that in recognition of the importance of quality overseas investment in forestry, this new streamlined approval path will also be available for investments in leasehold and freehold forestry land, which are already screened.
 “It is important to note that Māori hold a large percentage of forestry interests in New Zealand. It is not anticipated that this change will prejudice interests that Iwi have secured through the settlement process or fundamentally change the rights and interests of Māori in relation to their lands.” Mr Parker says.
 Mr Parker said the change needed to be made before the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) came into force. Mr Parker heads to Chile later this week to sign the CPTPP.
 “Making this change now will preserve policy options for future governments in relation to forests,” Mr Parker says.
 “Not making this change would mean future governments could not screen overseas purchases of our forests because there is little difference in effect between a long term lease and a long term forestry registration right. Both confer effective control of the forest and land.”
 Overseas investors will be able to purchase up to 1,000 hectares of forestry rights per annum, or any forestry right of less than three years duration, without OIA approval.
A standing consent system will also be developed, so quality forestry investors can make purchases of forestry land and rights without needing to seek prior approval of each individual transaction.
The counterfactual test, which has complicated forest purchases, is removed. Any existing commitments to provide logs to domestic customers are maintained.
 Ministers are finalising the details of the proposal and it will then be referred to Select Committee. There will be a short period for public consideration.

Leading Tech Companies Unite to Stop Online Wildlife Traffickers

Source: World Wildlife Fund – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Leading Tech Companies Unite to Stop Online Wildlife Traffickers

San Francisco, California – The world’s leading e-commerce, technology and social media companies are joining forces with Google and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to render online platforms and apps inoperable for wildlife traffickers to trade in endangered species.

Today, 21 tech companies from North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa came together as the first-ever Global Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online. As members of this coalition, tech companies pledge to work together to collectively reduce wildlife trafficking across platforms by 80% by 2020. In collaboration with WWF, TRAFFIC, and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), each company will develop and implement policies and solutions to help end wildlife trafficking online.

“Bringing these industry giants together is the best shot at systematically closing the open web to wildlife traffickers,” said Crawford Allan, Senior Director of Wildlife Crime & TRAFFIC at WWF. “Criminals are making a killing from selling rare species and products made from their parts. Inconsistent policies and enforcement across the web invariably create a ‘whack-a-mole’ effect, where ads may be removed from one site just to pop up somewhere else. These companies see the problem and are uniting to ensure an internet where traffickers have nowhere left to turn.”

It takes just minutes to find dubious wildlife for sale online, including everything from trinkets like elephant ivory carvings to live animals like tiger cubs. These sales are generally illegal and in breach of a site’s rules. However, the Internet’s global connectivity and relative anonymity of sellers, combined with rapid transport, enable wildlife traffickers to buy, sell, and ship animals and wildlife products with just an instant online transaction. As more traders and consumers move online globally and traditional physical markets for wildlife trade become more obsolete, it is a critical time to ensure that social media and e-commerce platforms cannot be exploited by the loopholes to detection created by wildlife traffickers.

The annual value of wildlife crime globally is as much as $20 billion, according to the UN Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). More than 20,000 African elephants are illegally killed each year for trade in their tusks, and nearly three rhinos are poached each day in South Africa alone for their horns. Countless species are under threat from trafficking, accelerated by online access to consumers, most of whom are unaware that the product they are buying could be devastating species populations and funding crime gangs. Addressing this issue in partnership with these companies is a critical step toward ensuring a world without rhinos, elephants and thousands of other creatures does not become a reality.

“Google is proud to partner with WWF as a founding member of this Coalition, and to join other companies in working to protect endangered species from illegal wildlife trade online,” said David Graff, Senior Director, Trust & Safety Global Product Policy at Google.

The founding members of the Global Coalition to End Wildlife Trafficking Online are Alibaba, Baidu, Baixing, eBay, Etsy, Facebook, Google, Huaxia Collection, Instagram, Kuaishou, Mall for Africa, Microsoft, Pinterest, Qyer, Ruby Lane, Shengshi Collection, Tencent, Wen Wan Tian Xia, Zhongyikupai, Zhuanzhuan and 58 Group, convened by WWF, TRAFFIC and IFAW.

History Suggests Adams Will Disappoint

Source: ACT Party

Headline: History Suggests Adams Will Disappoint

Now that Amy Adams has been promoted to be National’s Finance Spokesperson, here are a few predictions based on recent history.

Dealing with Superannuation 

By 2060, New Zealand will have 1.7 million superannuitants, or 27 per cent of the population. Every two workers will support one retiree.

Health and superannuation spending will rise to 18 per cent of GDP. As migration and labour force growth slows, so will economic growth and tax revenue.

The Government will be left with a massive fiscal hole. Net debt could hit $3 trillion.

Ardern and Robertson, like Key and English before them, have their heads in the sand.

Adams could make a big statement on the most pressing of our long-term issues by promising to raise the retirement age.

Prediction: National will retain its weak stance of raising the Superannuation age to 67 by 2040.

Actually cutting taxes (not just promising them) 

Steven Joyce talked a big game and promised tax cuts, but never delivered. He then cried crocodile tears when Labour cancelled them.

The fact is that the Key/English regime was Labour-lite.

If Adams is serious about boosting our economy, she’ll give a cast iron assurance that National will cut taxes on return to power.

Prediction: Adams won’t return money to its rightful owners. She believes she knows best how to spend taxpayer money.

Reducing corporate welfare and company taxes

Adams should “Just Say No” to the predilection Simon Bridges developed for corporate welfare while he was Economic Development Minister.

National spent about $13 billion in corporate welfare during its time in office.

There is no public appetite for handouts for politically trendy firms except from politicians seeking photo-ops.

Here’s a radical suggestion: business owners at the coalface know how to invest their money better than politicians sitting in plush Beehive offices.

If Adams promised to cut corporate welfare, the corporate tax rate could be cut to 25%, boosting investment, wages and jobs.

Prediction: The Bridges/Jones corporate welfare gravy train will roll on.

Dealing with tobacco tax

Adams should promise to cancel the four, annual 10 per cent tobacco tax increases National put in place in 2016.

Tobacco taxes have not significantly reduced smoking rates.

Eric Crampton from the NZ Initiative has estimated the new taxes will take $178 million out of the pockets of the poorest New Zealanders.

Aside from punishing the poor, the taxes are also fuelling hundreds of violent dairy robberies.

Prediction: The Nats won’t back down, meaning the poor and dairy owners will continue to be punished.

Dealing with housing costs

Adams should promise a future National government will overhaul the Resource Management Act to boost housing supply and get costs under control.

In 2016, 29% of households spent more than 30% of their income on housing. Only 10% of households did in the late 1980s.

The Government now spends $1.14 billion on accommodation assistance. Arguably, most welfare spending, including welfare spending on the middle class, is due to inflated housing costs.

Prediction: Adams utterly failed to get RMA reform over the line while she was Environment Minister. She won’t deliver this time.

Growing the economy to catch Australia

New Zealand’s economic underperformance relative to Australia is largely a problem of our poor productivity.

Adams should welcome foreign direct investment, which boosts jobs, wages, and growth.

She should promise to cut red tape, allowing firms to get on with their core business.

Adams should also promise to cut taxes across the board, creating incentives for New Zealanders to save, work and invest.

Prediction: National’s commitment to higher taxes, spending, and suffocating regulation will remain.

More rangatahi to benefit from Youth Fund

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: More rangatahi to benefit from Youth Fund

Youth Minister Peeni Henare today announced the 31 successful projects that will receive a share of just over $182,000 to fund community projects led by young people, as part of Youth Fund 2018. 
Youth Fund supports young people to get involved in projects that will develop valuable skills such as decision making, leadership and peer mentoring and at the same time boost self-confidence to make a positive contribution to their community. 
This funding has been in place for nine years and is very significant to the Ministry as it is a youth-led initiative – by rangatahi, for rangatahi. The selection panel is made up of young people who assess the applications and make decisions on how the funding should be allocated. 
The projects this year will see young people get involved in community focused projects, mentoring platforms, leadership programmes, and internships. 
One particular project this year, Save and Help, will bring together a core group of ten young people who will buddy up with staff members and work alongside families in need from the community. This can include the young people cooking a meal for a family that is going through a tough time, helping an elderly person stack firewood, or simply painting a community fence. Up to 30 young people will be involved. This project will demonstrate how young people of today have such great community spirit and whanaungatanga.
“Another exciting project, Te Kopounga, will see rangatahi co-design a 12-week programme which will focus on media workshops, enterprise skills, work readiness, and cooking skills for young people Not in Education, Employment, or Training (NEET),” says Mr Henare.
“It is important that we invest in rangatahi, especially through projects that will allow young people to use their own initiative in making informed decisions and solving problems along the way.” 
“To the successful recipients of the Youth Fund 2018, I wish you all the best,” says Mr Henare. 
Details of the 31 successful projects can be found on MYD’s website.
Contact: Patisepa Helu 021 821 562

Minister welcomes Canoe Racing training centre opening

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: Minister welcomes Canoe Racing training centre opening

Acting Sport and Recreation Minister Peeni Henare congratulates Canoe Racing New Zealand and the Waipa District Council on today opening the newly constructed High Performance Training Centre and Perry Community Water Sports Centre at Lake Karapiro, Cambridge. 
“It’s incredibly exciting to be here for the opening, with the added buzz around our elite women who won four medals at the World Championships last year competing in the NZCT Canoe Racing National Championship this weekend – and I’m sure the local community feels as inspired as I do,” Minister Henare says.
The shared facility aims to drive efficiencies and bring economic benefits to the region through events and programmes, while building on Cambridge’s ‘Home of Champions’ brand as the host of the Avantidrome and Rowing New Zealand High Performance Training Centre. 
“The model for this facility is a great example of how high performance athletes and community groups can share space and complement one another. The Government is proud to invest in this project, to provide a world class daily training environment for elite athletes and inspire our youth to be physically active and healthy. 
“Making the move from Auckland has been a collaborative effort to leverage the resources and capability that Rowing New Zealand, Cycling New Zealand and High Performance Sport New Zealand already have in place here in Cambridge, and I’d like to recognise Sport NZ as the funder for having the vision to bring these facilities together for tremendous mutual benefit.” 

Media contact: Patisepa Helu 021 821 562

Transpacific agreement not right

Source: New Zealand Nurses Organisation

Headline: Transpacific agreement not right



Media Release                                                                   7 March 2018

President to speak at Wellington TPPA Rally

The New Zealand Nurses Organisation objects to the New Zealand government’s intention to sign the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement tomorrow. NZNO asserts that although some improvements have been made, the CPTPP is not ready to be signed.

As part of the week of action, NZNO President Grant Brookes will address the Wellington rally against the signing on parliament grounds tomorrow and will urge the rally to sign the petition ‘don’t do it’. 

Nationwide Day of Action against the TPPA-11

“Trade Minister David Parker rates the deal as seven out of ten for New Zealand. Nurses would not agree that tinkering around the edges meant that was a good job done, no more than the government should think they have finished making a deal that is good for all New Zealanders,” he said.

“Nurses promote optimal health status for all peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand. Despite improvements, the intellectual property provisions which are likely to delay access to affordable new medicines are still present in the text.

“In reality there is no way of knowing how well the CPTPP scores.

“Until there is an independent health impact assessment of the deal, which Labour campaigned for while in opposition, then nurses say, ‘Don’t sign!’.”

Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku says:

“We are not satisfied that the Treaty of Waitangi aspect of this agreement is robust enough to protect indigenous rights as was found by the Waitangi Tribunal.”

“The Investor State Dispute Settlement provisions which privilege multinational corporate interests above our sovereign and indigenous interests have been suspended but not removed and this is too risky for us,” she said.


Media enquiries to: Karen Coltman 027 431 2617

Serious crash in New Lynn

Source: New Zealand Police –

Headline: Serious crash in New Lynn



Police are in attendance at a serious crash involving a motorcycle and a car in New Lynn.

Police were called around 5:45pm to the crash on the corner of Parker Ave and Titirangi Road.

The motorcyclist has been taken to Auckland Hospital with serious injuries.

Police are urging motorists to avoid the area if possible. 

The Serious Crash Unit has been notified. 


Issued by Police Media Centre

Eminent Asian Honorary Advisers to provide insights into NZ-Asia relations

Source: Asia New Zealand Foundation – Press Release/Statement:

Headline: Eminent Asian Honorary Advisers to provide insights into NZ-Asia relations

What are the trends in Asia that could have an impact on New Zealand? And how is New Zealand perceived in the region?  

Ten influential Asian dignitaries will share their perspectives on those questions and others with New Zealand counterparts at a meeting of the Asia New Zealand Foundation’s Honorary Advisers Network in Auckland from March 11 to 13.

Asia New Zealand Foundation executive director Simon Draper says the Asia Honorary Advisers are highly distinguished individuals who can offer insights into developments in Asia. Many have long-standing ties with New Zealand.

“These people are very well-connected in their home countries and open doors for the Asia New Zealand Foundation and other agencies,” he says.

“As New Zealand’s links to Asia deepen and diversify, it is important to have advocates who can provide their viewpoints on New Zealand’s relationships in the region.”

Mr Draper says the Foundation’s activities also benefit from advice and support from its New Zealand Honorary Advisers – eminent New Zealanders from a range of sectors. “The New Zealand Honorary Advisers will help us update our guests on social, political and economic developments in New Zealand.

The meeting is also an opportunity to talk about geopolitical changes in Asia, security issues, the overall trade and economic direction, business opportunities for New Zealand, and people-to-people links. 

“We know from our research that New Zealanders need to understand Asia better so they can feel more confident about interacting with its countries and peoples.  It’s important for us to bring together our Asia and New Zealand-based Honorary Advisers to talk about how they can contribute towards the Foundation’s goal of equipping New Zealanders to thrive in Asia.”

The Honorary Advisers Network is chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Winston Peters, who is hosting them for dinner in Auckland on Sunday evening.

Brief descriptions of the Honorary Advisers follow; please contact us if you would like full bios or to interview any of the Honorary Advisers.

Mark Russell
Director Strategic Communications and Media
027 297 0178

Rebecca Inoue-Palmer
Media Centre Manager
027 226 8707

Asia Honorary Advisers

  • Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz, non-executive independent chair, AirAsiaX and former Minister of International Trade and Industry, Malaysia
  • Ms Pham Thi My Le, founder of Le and Associates (L&A), Vietnam
  • Mme Li Xiaolin, president, People’s Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries, China
  • Mr Guillermo M. Luz, private sector co-chairman, National Competitiveness Council, Philippines
  • Ms Heekyung Jo Min, executive vice president, CJ Corporation, South Korea
  • Dr Ng Eng Hen, Minister for Defence, Singapore
  • Mr Stanley Tan, ONZM, chief executive officer of Global Yellow Pages, Singapore
  • Dr Supachai Panitchpakdi, former Director General of the World Trade Organisation and former Secretary General of UNCTAD, Thailand
  • Dr Thitinan Pongsudhirak, director, Institute of Security and International Studies and professor of international relations at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
  • Dr Raghupati Singhania, chairman and managing director, JK Tyre & Industries Ltd, India

New Zealand Honorary Advisers

  • Dr Alan Bollard, CNZM, executive director of the APEC Secretariat based in Singapore
  • Hon Philip Burdon, former National cabinet minister and former Asia New Zealand Foundation chairman
  • Ms Trish Carter, founding editor and bureau chief for Al Jazeera English in Kuala Lumpur
  • Mr Peter Chin, CNZM, former Mayor of Dunedin
  • Mr Rob Fyfe, non-executive chairman of Icebreaker
  • Ms Traci Houpapa, CNZM, Federation of Māori Authorities chairwoman
  • Mr Raymond Huo, Member of Parliament for the Labour Party
  • Professor Manying Ip, CNZM, Emeritus Professor in Asian Studies, University of Auckland
  • Mr Ian Kennedy, chairman of the Japan New Zealand Business Council and former Ambassador to Japan
  • Ms Melissa Lee, Member of Parliament for the National Party
  • Mr Richard Long, ONZM, former editor of The Dominion
  • Rt Hon Sir Don McKinnon, ONZ, GCVO, chairman of Regional Facilities Auckland, chairman of the New Zealand China Council and former Deputy Prime Minister
  • Mr Peter Miskimmin, chief executive of Sport NZ and two-time Olympian
  • Mr Mitchell Pham, co-founder of Augen Software Group
  • Hon Simon Power, QSO, general manager, consumer banking and wealth at Westpac New Zealand, and former National cabinet minister
  • Sir Anand Satyanand, GNZM, QSO, KStJ, New Zealand’s 19th Governor-General (2006-2011)
  • Dr Farib Sos, MNZM, executive chairman of Asia Forum

About the Asia New Zealand Foundation

The Asia New Zealand Foundation is the leading non-profit, non-partisan organisation focussed on New Zealand-Asia relations. The Foundation’s job is to equip New Zealanders to thrive in Asia. 

The Foundation works in partnership with influential individuals and organisations in New Zealand and in Asia to provide high-level forums, cultural events, international collaborations, school programmes and professional development opportunities.  Its activities cover more than 20 countries in Asia and are delivered through seven programmes.

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New Zealand to host World Conference on Women in Sport

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: New Zealand to host World Conference on Women in Sport

Minister for Sport and Recreation Grant Robertson and Minister for Women Julie Anne Genter today welcomed New Zealand’s successful bid to host the 8th International Working Group on Women in Sport secretariat from 2018 to 2022.
The honour will culminate with New Zealand hosting the 8th World Conference of the International Working Group on Women in Sport (IWG) in Auckland in 2022. The bid was a joint effort by Sport NZ, Women in Sport Aotearoa (WISPA), the NZ Olympic Committee and Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development (ATEED).
“The vision of the IWG is sustainable sporting culture that enables and values the full involvement of women in every aspect of sport – a vision our Government shares,” Grant Robertson says.
“Hosting this influential event will provide an opportunity to connect New Zealand with the global conversation, highlight our achievements and focus our efforts and aspirations on achieving much more.”
“Tomorrow is International Women’s Day, a global day celebrating the immense achievements of women, and is a call to action to accelerate gender equity around the world,” says Julie Anne Genter.
“The hosting of the IWG World Conference and work of the Wonderful Group are reminders of the important role sport can play in this.”
Grant Robertson was in Auckland today to help launch the newly formed Wonderful Group’s ‘It Takes Two’ mentoring programme. The programme helps young women with ambitions to work in sport media by drawing on the experience of women already in the industry, in turn empowering these mentors to strive for leadership roles.
“Increasing the profile, participation and leadership contribution of women across our sporting sector is a key priority for the Sport and Recreation and Women’s portfolios,” Grant Robertson and Julie Anne Genter say.

World-class canoe training centre opens in South Auckland

Source: New Zealand Government

Headline: World-class canoe training centre opens in South Auckland

Sport and Recreation Minister Grant Robertson today officially opened the Canoe Slalom New Zealand High Performance Training Centre at the Vector Wero White Water Park in Manukau, Auckland.
“This Centre is a world-class training environment for New Zealand. It was constructed as an add-on conversion to the existing Vector Wero White Water Park, opened in 2016,” Grant Robertson says.
“As well as its high performance aspect, the facility allows people of all ages and abilities to ‘give it a go’, aiming to cater for 15,000 children each year through kayaking, rafting and water safety sessions. These are important and valuable skills for our young people to learn.”
The opening celebrations included a pōwhiri with Tainui representatives, before Rio Olympic silver medallist Luuka Jones and World Championship bronze medallist Mike Dawson did a run of the course. A school group then took part in a Tamariki Rafting course. 
“The shared facilities approach will allow for a strong focus on activities for young people wishing to pursue white water sport through the Momentum Hub at Wero,” Grant Robertson says.
The project is a collaboration between Canoe Slalom New Zealand, Sport New Zealand, High Performance Sport New Zealand and Wero operator Second Nature Charitable Trust. In late January, the Park hosted the Canoe Slalom Oceania Championship. Sport NZ invested $250,000 in the fit-out to upgrade the course.