More extreme weather predicted for subants

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  30 January 2025

“Up until now, we’ve lacked information on the climate change impact on subantarctic islands,” Drew Bingham, DOC Principal Science Advisor says.

“We knew we had to take a deeper look and identify actions needed to ensure the survival of the taonga species that depend on the islands for their survival.”

The study focuses on 11,300-ha Campbell Island, 740km south of Dunedin. Its terrain is steep, rugged and covered in extensive peat. The highest point is 569m.

“Meteorological observations were made over 83 years, which was an excellent base to start with, and gave us confidence in identifying past trends,” Drew says.

“The pattern we’ve observed is a general increase across all climate indicators related to warmer conditions. This is expected to continue into the future.

“Increases in temperatures, rainfall and wind are projected for Campbell Island. Winter rainfall is expected to be particularly heavy, with a warmer atmosphere storing more water vapour and increasing the severity and intensity of downpours.”

Drew says these climate projections have implications for conservation management on Campbell and other subantarctic islands.

“Extensive rainfall events and slips will potentially have the biggest impact on nesting birds. We’d also like to find out more about how sea level rise and storm surges will affect sea lions.

“Increasing the resilience of the subantarctic islands and keeping them pest-free becomes even more important in the face of climate change, especially given the wealth of biodiversity on many of the islands.

“The project to remove pests from Campbell island’s neighbour, Maukahuka/Auckland Island, is a great example, and will boost the climate change resilience of Auckland Island and by extension, the surrounding Southern Ocean.”

Data from the study shows the following trends and records for Campbell Island’s climate:

  • An increase in the average daily temperature over the past 83 years.
  • A decrease in the number of cold days over the past 83 years.
  • An increase in annual rainfall since 1970 (an additional annual rainfall of 79mm per decade).
  • The three warmest years and four wettest years on record were after 2011.

Drew says further research is still needed to assess the impact of the projected weather on Campbell Island’s species in more detail.

“This climate report is a good start as we look at ways to help our taonga species on the subantarctic islands adapt to climate change.”

Visit DOC’s website to download the report on the study.

The climate and weather of Campbell Island/Motu Ihupuku: historic observations and projected changes (PDF, 3,100K)

Background information

Campbell Island is part of New Zealand’s subantarctic World Heritage Site. It is the most southerly of the five New Zealand subantarctic groups.

Campbell Island is home to six species of albatross, including black-browed, grey-headed, light-mantled sooty and a small population of Gibson’s wandering albatross. Several critically endangered birds including the Campbell Island teal and Campbell Island snipe are found nowhere else. It has around 128 native vascular plants, which include several endemic herbs and grasses.

The island’s rat-free status was confirmed in 2006, following rat eradications in the early 2000s.

The Maukahuka project aims to eradicate feral pigs, feral cats and mice from Auckland Island so the island’s animals and plants can thrive. Visit DOC’s website for more information: Restoring Auckland Island – the Maukahuka project.


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100s of NZ species highly vulnerable to climate change

Source: Department of Conservation

Date:  30 January 2025

The assessment looked at 1145 species of birds, bats, lizards, and frogs, as well as land-based invertebrates and plants, to identify the most vulnerable which can then be prioritised for conservation action to help protect them from climate change impacts.

Of the species assessed, 351 or 31% were classified as highly vulnerable to climate change by the mid-21st century, rising to 746 (65%) by late century.

Anni Brumby, DOC Senior Science Advisor and the report’s lead author, New Zealand is a hotspot for seabirds and known as the world’s seabird capital, which makes the changing climate a global survival issue.

“Seabirds travel internationally, but many depend on New Zealand’s territory for their breeding grounds. When we looked at climate change pressures such as projected sea level rise and warmer temperatures, fifty per cent of seabirds were assessed as highly vulnerable to climate change by mid-century.

“Snares penguin only breeds on one island and may have nowhere to go if climate conditions change drastically.

“Tara iti/fairy tern – New Zealand’s rarest bird – was found to be particularly vulnerable to climate change, as projected higher spring tides and increased storm surges could impact their Northland beach breeding ground and warmer temperatures could put additional stress on adults, chicks and eggs.”

All five New Zealand bat species were assessed as vulnerable by the late 21st century. Bats are already under pressure from predators, habitat loss, and human disturbance, which will only get more extreme as climate change progresses.

Many native plants identified as highly vulnerable in the assessment are already critically endangered and confined to rare ecosystems. Most South Island limestone dependent plants were assessed as highly vulnerable, such as the Castle Hill buttercup.

Pīngao, a taonga coastal plant species, is highly vulnerable to projected increases in coastal flooding and sea surges.

Reptiles and frogs already have small, highly fragmented populations. Climate change is predicted to increase the impact of current pressures, including habitat loss and introduced predators. The most vulnerable lizards include both alpine and coastal species.

Alpine invertebrates, including Paparoa tunnelling wētā, were also found to be vulnerable, as they may get increasingly squeezed out of their habitats with nowhere to go as the climate warms.

Anni says the large number of species assessed as highly vulnerable reflects the specialised habitats and threatened status of many native species due to small population sizes, limited distributions, and low reproductive rates.

“DOC’s ongoing work programme is focused on prioritising species and habitats where we can make the most difference. We know that when pressures are managed through tools such as invasive pest eradication, nature is restored and in turn, species and habitats become more resilient in the face of pressures including climate change.

“We also need innovative solutions such as establishing ‘insurance’ populations of rare species that could become extinct in a single extreme weather event and implementing nature-based solutions to help control climate-related erosion, for example.

“This information isn’t only useful for DOC – we also expect that other agencies, environmental NGOs, iwi, and communities will find this valuable data helpful to take action for nature,” Anni says.

DOC will continue its climate change adaptation research with risk assessments underway, focusing on highly vulnerable species to help identify any immediate action needed to prevent irreversible losses.

View the report

Trait-based climate change vulnerability assessments of terrestrial taxa in Aotearoa New Zealand


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Cops catch up with speeding drivers

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Police in Avondale caught up with two speeding vehicles within minutes of each other during the early hours of this morning.

Just after 2am, officers observed a Toyota Aqua driving at speed along Blockhouse Bay Road.

Auckland City West’s Area Commander, Inspector Alisse Robertson, says Police signalled for the vehicle to stop, however it fled.

“We elected not to pursue and engaged the Police helicopter, to provide commentary as the vehicle continued to travel around Auckland for about 40 minutes.

“The vehicle reached high speeds along the motorway and around surrounding residential areas before it was spiked on Ash Street.”

She says the vehicle then came to a stop and two occupants ran into nearby properties.

“The Police dog unit was able to locate both people quickly, with one receiving a minor dog bite.

“Thankfully no one was seriously hurt”

Two youths, aged 16 and 14, have been referred to Youth Aid Services.

Inspector Robertson says about 30 minutes later officers spotted another vehicle allegedly speeding while travelling on Blockhouse Bay Road.

“Officers attempted to stop the vehicle however it has failed to stop and continued on at speed.

“The vehicle was not pursued and was located by the Police helicopter down a driveway on Eastdale Road where the driver was taken into custody without incident.”

She says the driver was breath tested and allegedly blew 1200mcgs, more than five times the legal limit.

“This sort of driving behaviour is incredibly reckless, and unacceptable”

A 35-year-old man will appear in Auckland District Court today charged with failing to stop, driving with excess breath alcohol and dangerous driving.


Holly McKay/NZ Police

Weather News – A mix of weather for Aotearoa but eyes are on the tropics – MetService

Source: MetService

Covering period of Thu 30 Jan – Mon 3 Feb – Parts of New Zealand are in for a smattering of rain this weekend, this isn’t to be expected everywhere but cloud will be more widespread. However, MetService will be keeping a close eye on tropical developments around the Coral Sea.

MetService meteorologist Lewis Ferris states; “It’s been a slow start to the tropical cyclone season around the South Pacific, but as we head through the weekend and into next week, we see the potential for a tropical cyclone to spin up. The area of interest is between Vanuatu and Australia, well away from Aotearoa giving us plenty of time to understand where any potential cyclone might track.”

Closer to home, the weather is more mundane. Risk of widespread severe weather is kept to a minimum by a large area of high pressure around our shores. However, a swathe of warm, humid air is producing a bit of rain around central parts of the country today (Thursday). This risk of rain appears to meander around the country over the weekend, but if you keep up with your local forecast you should be able to find a dry time to enjoy the outdoors, or hang the washing out. Finding a nice cloudless afternoon could prove a bit more challenging.

Current weather models forecast the area of high pressure to hold on through the first week of February, including Waitangi Day, but maybe breaking down towards the end of the working week. Temperatures are predicted to be around average for February, which might come as a relief to those along the east coasts who had a chilly run of southerly winds through January. Parts of Canterbury up to Gisborne have been 2°C to 3°C below their historic mean January temperature.

On the other side of the South Island, West Coasters have been warmer and much drier than usual. “Milford Sound has recorded a measly ~120mm of rain, over 500mm less than their average January! Moving north, Nelson Airport has recorded ~130mm, but it looks like Kerikeri was the wettest place this month with just over 200mm recorded,” Ferris said.

Relentless focus on literacy & numeracy at school

Source: New Zealand Government

As schools start back for 2025, there will be a relentless focus on teaching the basics brilliantly so all Kiwi kids grow up with the knowledge, skills and competencies needed to grow the New Zealand of the future, Education Minister Erica Stanford says.

“A world-leading education system is a key driver to economic growth. We want all children to be proficient and confident in reading, writing and maths so they grow up and live the lives they want. Our future playwrights and songwriters need to have a mastery of literacy and numeracy as much as our future mechanical engineers, doctors and electricians.

“From this week all state schools will benefit from a clear, detailed and knowledge-rich curriculum grounded in the science of learning.

“Students will benefit from explicit teaching through structured teaching of literacy and mathematics that doesn’t leave learning to chance. They will also benefit from consistent assessment tools so those students who need targeted interventions will get them earlier to bring them up to speed.

“We are ensuring teachers get the professional learning, development and resources they need to teach the new curriculum confidently. They will know what to teach, when, and how.

“Our $30 million investment will ensure 433,000 students have access to high-quality maths workbooks, tactile resources and online supports. This will help teachers and parents see the progress their children are making,” Ms Stanford says.

“No matter where you are in the country, parents can have confidence this Government is putting the foundations in place so their child can strive to do their best at school.

“As we embed structured approaches to literacy and numeracy in 2025, work will continue in the background, including updating every curricula area up to Year 13, revitalising NCEA, and delivering equitable property outcomes.

“I wish all educators, tamariki, and parents the very best for the start of the new school year.”

Homicide investigation in Otaika

Source: New Zealand Police (National News)

Police are treating the death of a motorcyclist in Otaika as suspicious, and a homicide investigation is now underway.

A man’s body was discovered in a creek adjacent to Otaika Valley Road, State Highway 15, after 5am on 29 January.

Whangārei CIB is launching an appeal for any witnesses or motorists travelling through the area on Tuesday night or in the early hours of Wednesday.

Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Shane Pilmer says a post-mortem examination is currently ongoing.

“Formal identification procedures have not yet been completed, but we anticipate releasing further details about the victim once this process is complete,” he says.

“Our investigation team are working with the family, who are coming to terms with their loved one succumbing to foul play.”

Police believe the homicide occurred between 7pm and 11pm on 28 January, in a layby opposite to the entrance to the Otaika Valley Scenic Reserve.

There are two key appeals the investigation team are making today.

Firstly, any sightings of the blue and silver coloured road bike that was found parked in the layby area.

“We are particularly interested in any sightings of this bike between 8pm on 28 January through to 5am on 29 January,” acting Detective Senior Sergeant Pilmer says.

Secondly, anyone with dashcam or CCTV footage around key locations between 7pm on 28 January and 5am on 29 January should contact Police.

Those areas of interest are along Otaika Valley Road, between the intersections with State Highway 14, Maungatapere, and Loop and Cemetery Roads, in Otaika.

“I am asking anyone with a dashcam or CCTV cameras to prioritise checking these now, and contact our investigation team,” acting Detective Senior Sergeant Pilmer says.

An online portal has been set up for any footage or photographs to be uploaded.

Please go to

Acting Detective Senior Sergeant Pilmer says: “Our investigation is still in the very early stages, and our team will work hard to ensure we get answers as to why this homicide has occurred.”

Anyone with further information should call Police on 105 and reference the file number 250129/0335.

Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.


Jarred Williamson/NZ Police

Hawke’s Bay patients to benefit from new and improved radiology and cancer treatment services

Source: New Zealand Government

Enabling works have begun this week on an expanded radiology unit at Hawke’s Bay Fallen Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital which will double CT scanning capacity in Hawke’s Bay to ensure more locals can benefit from access to timely, quality healthcare, Health Minister Simeon Brown says. This investment of $29.3m in the Hawke’s Bay Radiology Refurbishment and Expansion Project is made possible due to the Government’s record $16.68 billion investment in health. It will result in a doubling in CT scan capacity, a new MRI scanner, and enable cancer specialist cancer treatment with a new Linear Accelerator (LINAC) machine at Hawke’s Bay Hospital. 
This investment will deliver:  

Faster cancer treatment – The new MRI and additional CT scanner will increase capacity and reduce wait times for patients needing a scan to diagnose cancer, or assist in a decision to treat, from 5 weeks to 2 weeks.
Shorter stays in emergency departments – CT scans required for emergency patients will be able to be performed faster by transferring the cancer and routine work to the additional scanner. This will support much faster flow through the Emergency Department. 
Shorter wait times for first specialist appointments – The additional scanning capacity will also enable more imaging prior to specialist assessments, making the process faster and more efficient. This will also reduce outsourcing volumes.
Shorter wait times for elective treatment – Additional scan capacity will provide faster imaging that supports the decision to treat, making the process faster and more efficient.
Easier access to treatment – An estimated 500 fewer people will need to travel outside the province for specialist treatment due to the purchasing of a new LINAC machine. 

“As we know, thousands of New Zealanders and their families are affected by cancer every year. Having more access to radiology services in Hawke’s Bay will mean shorter wait times and faster treatments,” Mr Brown says. “This investment will mean a doubling of scanning capacity, with a new CT scanner being able to deliver a further 6,000 – 10,000 scans per year. “The Government also welcomes Health New Zealand’s decision to invest a further $37.2 million project for the provision of a LINAC machine in Hawke’s Bay. “Linear Accelerators are critical to treating cancers using radiation treatment. The new machine will mean a significant improvement in access for Hawke’s Bay residents.“This will be the first publicly available LINAC for the district, meaning people can access radiation treatment closer to home. It’s expected that 500 people per year will be able to avoid having to travel for treatment because of this investment.“Linear Accelerator services will also be future proofed with a second bunker being constructed, so a second LINAC machine can be installed in the future as required.” Enabling works will commence this week on the Radiology Refurbishment and Expansion Project, and will see services expand into the building next door to its current space. Stage 1 of the Radiology Refurbishment and Expansion is expected to be completed by end of 2025, with Stage 2 mid 2027.

Health Protest – Protest calls for answers on company chosen to supply vape kits

Source: Health Coalition Aotearoa

Public Health experts are questioning a decision by the Government to purchase $575,000 worth of vaping products from a company accused of allegedly bribing the New Zealand Government.
They will be meeting today at 12.30pm today on Parliament’s forecourt to raise their concerns and call for a public inquiry into the influence of the tobacco and vape industry on the Government’s Smokefree policy.
The company chosen to supply vaping kits to Government funded stop smoking services is Chinese based vaping giant RELX.
Reporting by The Straits Times in Singapore obtained leaked call recordings where employees of RELX can be heard discussing bribing the New Zealand Government.
RELX employees can be heard saying: “we don’t do that visibly in Australia and New Zealand. But government payments are not a problem for us because, because these are extremely… how do I put it… subtle.”
“It’s just like how the Big Tobacco does it, right, they go through multiple shell companies and associations and consultants and agencies and whatnot. And it’s almost… you need to have a very persistent investigative journalist to find out…”
Additional reporting by 60 Minutes in Australia confirmed the company at the centre of these allegations is RELX.
Thousands of RELX vaping products distributed to stop smoking services in early January were purchased by Te Whatu Ora. There doesn’t appear to be a formal tender process that took place to choose a vaping supplier and funding came out of the Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Innovation fund.
With serious accusations of bribery surfacing the Associate Minister of Health Casey Costello needs to front up and explain why no tender process was followed and why the Government chose vaping company RELX to supply $575k worth of vaping products.
We are now over a year into our Government appearing to have been influenced by the tobacco and vape industry in their decision making and now there are accusations of bribery taking place.
RELX has a questionable history of following relevant New Zealand legislation and regulations here and overseas. RELX continued to publish prohibited advertising including using Instagram influencers following new laws to crack down on vape advertising in late 2020.
The Straits Times stories:
60 Minutes story:
The Age/Sydney Morning Herald version (also attached) of the 60 Minutes piece:
RELX ownership
Mission Holdings Limited is an umbrella company for Mission Retail Limited, Mission Distribution Limited and Mission Brands.
The shareholders/directors are Jing Zhang and Jingrui Liu (the companies office address listed for both is: 4 Magee Place, East Tamaki Heights, Auckland, 2016) and Haodong (Sky) Deng and Dan Shan (Both share the same address: 9 Gilford Place, East Tamaki Heights, Auckland, 2016).
Jing Zhang worked for British American Tobacco for 3 years 6 months from July 2007, then for Philip Morris International for 8 years and 3 months from Jan 2011 until March 2019, and founded Mission Brands in April of 2019.
Haodong (Sky) Deng worked for Philip Morris from November 2014 until March 2019 before also co-founding Mission Brands in April 2019.

Call to End Prescribing Puberty Blockers In NZ

Source: Family First


30 January 2025

Family First is calling for an immediate end to new prescribing of puberty blockers due to the clear lack of quality probative evidence of efficacy and safety.

It comes at the same time as more than 100 doctors, academics, lawyers, politicians and “detransitioners” are calling for the Albanese government in Australia to launch an immediate inquiry into youth gender medicine and to pause the use of puberty blockers and hormone therapies for children in Australia.

Family First and its legal representatives met with the Puberty Blocker Consultation Team from the Ministry of Health in January.

Family First has subsequently written to both the PBC Team and Health NZ to reiterate the following points regarding the safety and efficacy requirements under the Medicines Act 1981 (the Medicines Act) and Family First’s concerns about inconsistent standards, stating the following:

“We are aware that these provisions do not apply directly to off-label use of puberty blockers under section 25 of the Medicines Act, but we have been advised that the Medicines Act generally requires proof of safety and efficacy before allowing the sale and supply of new medications for specific indications in New Zealand.

“Throughout the Medicines Act, there are strict conditions relating to safety and efficacy both for a medicine to first obtain consent to be used in New Zealand and secondly for it to be removed from the market if concerns arise about its safety and efficacy, including the following:

  1. Applications for the Minister’s consent under section 20 of the Medicines Act require evidence to be provided, under section 21(2), of both the safety and efficacy of the medicine.
  2. Section 35 enables the Minister to revoke or suspend a consent under sections 20 or 23 if he is of the opinion that either the medicine can no longer be administered or used safely or that the efficacy of the medicine can no longer be regarded as satisfactory.
  3. Section 36 enables the Director-General to give notice and require an importer or manufacturer to satisfy him of the “safety or efficacy of that medicine” if he “has reason to believe that any medicine, not being a new medicine, may be unsafe or ineffective for the therapeutic purpose for which is it sold”. This process can also then lead to a notice from the Minister prohibiting the sale or supply of the medicine under section 36(3)(a).
  4. Even a change in an existing approved medicine can be referred to the Minister for consideration, under section 24(5), if the Director-General considers that despite the evidence supplied he is insufficiently informed of the safety or efficacy of the medicine after that change.

“As discussed, we are concerned about the ability of patients to give their informed consent for puberty blockers for Gender Dysmorphia prescribed under section 25 when they have not been proven to be safe, efficacious or reversible for the purposes they are currently being prescribed and used for in New Zealand.

“This is based on the Ministry of Health’s own Position Statement on the Use of Puberty Blockers in Gender-Affirming Care dated 21 November, 2024, following the release of an evidence brief which examined the safety and long-term impacts of puberty blockers when used in the context of gender-affirming care. [View the Impact of Puberty Blockers in Gender-Dysphoric Adolescents: An evidence brief.]

Family First’s position remains that there should be an immediate end to new prescribing of puberty blockers due to the clear lack of quality probative evidence of efficacy and safety. Existing users need to be transitioned from Puberty Blockers in a medically appropriate way or at the very least, have the lack of quality evidence on safety, efficacy and reversibility explained to them with a view to confirming they and their parents or guardians do provide informed consent.  This in turn also means the Ministry’s Position Statement must be updated immediately to remove the factually incorrect statements regarding efficacy, safety, and future risks, including any references to the PATHA Guidelines.”

Lifestyle – Kickstart 2025 with Exercise New Zealand: We Are Here For You!

Source: Exercise NZ

As January unfolds and the new year gains momentum, it’s the perfect opportunity to set intentions, embrace change, and prioritise what truly matters. ExerciseNZ is encouraging all Kiwis to kickstart 2025 by making movement an essential part of their daily lives. 

With summer in full swing, Aotearoa provides the perfect backdrop to establish new habits. Whether it’s an early-morning beach walk, backyard games with family, joining a local exercise class, or tackling that daunting pre-season training, committing to regular physical activity now can set the tone for a healthier and more fulfilling year ahead.

At ExerciseNZ, we are committed to supporting Kiwis in creating a lifestyle fuelled by physical activity and exercise. As the National Association for the Exercise Industry, we work to empower individuals and communities by providing the tools, resources, and guidance needed to make physical activity a sustainable part of everyday life. Partnering with gyms, exercise facilities, and professionals across the country, 

ExerciseNZ ensures access to high-quality, safe, and inclusive movement experiences for everyone in Aotearoa. To begin our year together, we’d like to highlight some of the work we do to help Kiwis flourish through movement and exercise.

Connecting Kiwis with Local Facilities and Experts: ExerciseNZ supports over 500 gyms and exercise facilities nationwide, ensuring Kiwis can easily find the right space to begin or continue their exercise journey. Whether you’re looking for group exercise classes, personal trainers, or specialised programs, ExerciseNZ can help connect you with the right professionals.

Education and Professional Development: ExerciseNZ provides registration for exercise professionals (REPs), ensuring the industry remains at the forefront of innovation, safety, and inclusivity. This guarantees that all members of the community receive safe and effective guidance tailored to their individual needs when training with a REPS registered individual or facility. .

Advocating for Exercise and Well-being: ExerciseNZ actively works to promote the importance of physical activity at a national level, advocating for policies and initiatives that make exercise accessible to all. This includes working with workplaces, government, and various community groups to encourage physical activity as a part of everyday life.

Cultural Capability and Inclusivity: Recognising the diverse needs of Aotearoa, ExerciseNZ is committed to building cultural capability within the exercise industry. This includes fostering environments that are welcoming and inclusive for the diverse cultural population here in Aotearoa.

Supporting Mental Well-being Through Movement: ExerciseNZ highlights the mental health benefits of physical activity, working to normalise conversations about how exercise can reduce stress, improve mood, and support overall mental well-being.

No matter your activity level or where you are on your journey, Exercise New Zealand is here to support you. Visit ExerciseNZ’s website to explore exercise facilities near you, find expert advice, or discover programs that can help you stay motivated and inspired throughout the year.