Tech and innovation boost for Marlborough

Source: New Zealand Government

A major boost to regional innovation opens in Blenheim today, supported by a $578,000 grant from the Government’s Regional Strategic Partnership Fund (RSPF), Associate Regional Development Minister Mark Patterson says.
“The completion of Te Au Pūngao – Tech & Innovation Hub is a key regional development milestone which will provide opportunities for start-ups and existing agri-businesses, tech innovators, researchers, investors, and support agencies – they will have a place to connect and collaborate in shared workspaces, and hold start-up events, networking sessions, seminars and workshops” Mr Patterson says.
The 500 sq metre hub in central Blenheim received $635,000 in co-funding from the Marlborough District Council. The facilities include co-working space of up to 28 hot desks, meeting rooms, video conferencing facilities and a prototyping room.
“Marlborough is home to some of New Zealand’s most innovative minds and pioneering sectors, especially in viticulture and aquaculture,” Mr Patterson says.
“As these industries transform to adopt AI, robotics and advanced technologies, the region is attracting more agritech and marine tech innovators who work in these spaces. 
“The hub is crucial in supporting these sectors by providing a space where local businesses can develop solutions and realise the ever-evolving opportunities that Marlborough and New Zealand’s agribusiness sector has to offer.
“I see strong alignment between the Government’s ‘Going for Growth’ economic plan and Te Au Pūngao – Tech & Innovation Hub, particularly through investment in the innovation, science and technology space. I look forward to seeing this new regional asset delivering high value innovation, economic growth, and well-paid jobs to Marlborough,” Mr Patterson says.