PM marks one year in Government

Source: New Zealand Government

As the Government marks a year in office this Wednesday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon is committed to continuing to take bold action on the economy, law and order, health and education.

“I’m aspirational for New Zealanders and energised by our ongoing fight to rebuild and grow the economy to reduce the cost of living, restore law and order and deliver better health and education.

“While there’s a lot more work to do, I’m pleased with the progress we’ve made in just one year to deliver the outcomes Kiwis deserve:

  • Inflation has dropped to 2.2 per cent, creating the conditions for two OCR cuts and much-needed mortgage relief.
  • 83 per cent of New Zealanders are keeping more of their own money thanks to our delivery of the first tax relief in 14 years.
  • Wages have grown faster than inflation for four quarters in a row, after lagging behind for 13 quarters.
  • FamilyBoost childcare payments have landed in almost 40,000 families’ bank accounts.
  • Police foot patrols are up 30 per cent and ram raids are down 60 per cent.
  • Overall victimisations have dropped 3 per cent.
  • $604 million has been invested in Pharmac to deliver up to 26 new cancer treatments.

“Our foot is planted on the pedal of economic growth because that’s how we get more jobs, higher incomes and the ability to afford the public services Kiwis deserve.

“To break down barriers to growth we are cutting red tape. In our first year, we have slashed regulations that were holding our farmers back and progressed our fast-track regime to get stuff built.

“We’ve led eight trade missions, concluded three trade agreements and resolved another 16 barriers to trade because more high-value New Zealand dairy, wine and other products on shelves overseas means more jobs and higher incomes at home.

“Our laws to crack down on gangs came into effect last week, our Military-Style Academy has completed its pilot, and new laws toughening sentences for serious criminals will be in place next year.

“In schools, we’ve banned phones in classrooms, required an hour a day each of maths, reading and writing and we’re rolling out structured literacy and maths so kids can grow the skills they need to succeed. 

“Term 3 attendance is up 5.3 per cent on last year and we are relentlessly focused on our ambitious attendance target to have 80 per cent of students present for more than 90 per cent of the term by 2030. Because the future of our economy relies on kids being in school and succeeding today.

“We are taking action to fix our health system by tackling the financial mess left by the last Government, so you can see a doctor or get the surgery you need, when you need it.

“We have made a record investment of $16.68 billion into health over three budgets. In addition, $604 million has been invested into Pharmac to deliver up to 26 new cancer treatments.

“This Government was elected on a promise to improve the lives of New Zealanders in the areas that matter most to them. Progress so far is positive, and I am committed to keeping that promise with bold action to rebuild and grow our economy, restore law and order and improve health and education for all.”