Government’s creative sector strategy released

Source: New Zealand Government

The Government’s creative sector strategy is designed to increase Kiwis’ engagement with culture and creativity and to boost its economic contribution, Arts Minister Paul Goldsmith says.

“Amplify has been released for public consultation and I encourage people to read the strategy and to share their feedback.

“There’s an opportunity to increase the impact of our arts and culture here and on the world stage, and significantly increase the sectors’ contribution to GDP and export revenue by 2030.

“Our creative and cultural sectors also face many common challenges, so Amplify uses the levers the Government has to help.”

Amplify proposes four key targets: 

  • New Zealand ranks among the top 25 nations in the world for culture and heritage ‘soft power’.
  • The median income for creative professionals more closely matches the median wage/salary income.
  • The GDP contribution from the arts and creative sector increases to at least $20 billion.
  • More New Zealanders are actively engaging with New Zealand arts, culture, and heritage.

There are three strategic pillars which outline actions the Government will take over the next six years to reach these targets:

  • Maximising impact through the $450m annual Crown investment.
  • Nurturing talent and supporting a pipeline to provide sustainable career opportunities.
  • Reducing barriers to growth – modernising and streamlining government regulation to enable our cultural sectors to thrive.

“This is just a draft and I am open to ideas,” Mr Goldsmith says.