Welcome relief from new oestradiol gel funding

Source: New Zealand Government

Associate Health Minister David Seymour is welcoming Pharmac’s funding of oestradiol gel, following global shortages of oestradiol patches earlier this year.

“I’m well aware of the stress caused by the global shortage earlier this year. At the time I said I was confident Pharmac was working hard to find a replacement, and I’m pleased to see this come to fruition,” says Mr Seymour. 

“Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the Government. As Minister I’m pleased to see them thinking outside the box and procuring oestradiol gels as a substitute for those in need. 

Oestradiol is mainly used as a hormone treatment for people whose bodies don’t produce enough oestrogen, usually as a patch placed on the person’s skin.

“There has been an increase in demand for oestradiol, with demand in New Zealand more than tripling in the past three years. Pharmac has been working through global issues and I recognise it has been a very difficult time for people needing the medication, who obviously just want a reliable supply to be sorted,” says Mr Seymour.

“I’m pleased to see Pharmac’s responsiveness to the voices of patients by funding oestradiol gel. This decision reflects our commitment to a more adaptable and patient-centered approach.

“We want to build a world-class health system, and that requires access to world-class medicines.”