He poroporoaki ki a Kīngi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII

Source: New Zealand Government

Whekuwheku ana te whenua i te tāhekenga o roimata, haehae ana te manawa i te ngau o te aroha, hotuhotu ana te ngākau i te kaponga ōu e te kupenga a Taramainuku.

Kei konei mātou, kua taka a roto i te rongotanga ake i te hinganga ōu. Ka tangihia tonutia koe, e te ariki. Ko ngā kāwai o te whare ariki ka pākinikini tonu.

E te tāiki ngāpara, topaki atu rā ki te ururuatanga o te wao, ki te puhikaioreore o te ngahere, ki tō maunga tūpuna, ki Taupiri, e kupa atu ai tō wairua ki te kōmata o te rangi. Ki reira kanapu mai nā hei mata o te ariki, o Tāwhirimātea.

It is with sadness that I received the news of the passing of Kīngi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII, our Māori King. We mourn the loss of a leader who was dedicated to the advancement of Māori, New Zealanders, Pacific peoples and indigenous peoples worldwide. Kīngi Tuehitia was not only a symbol of kotahitanga and unity and resilience for Māori, but an advocate of all New Zealanders growing together. His leadership and commitment to our kaupapa will leave a significant mark in our history and for future generations.

Kīngi Tuheitia was at the forefront of kaupapa Māori, representing te ao Māori and the Kīngitanga with mana and humility. Kīngi Tuheitia also represented Aotearoa at significant global events like the coronation of King Charles III and most recently the Paris Olympics 2024. Kīngi Tuheitia and the Kīngitanga represent a crucial part of our national, Pacific and global identity.

I acknowledge the significant contributions of Kīngi Tuheitia – particularly in bringing Māori and the Government together and his role as patron of Te Matatini and Te Kōhanga Reo amongst other kaupapa.

I offer my sincere condolences and thoughts to the Kīngitanga, the Kāhui Ariki and Tainui at this time. As sad as his passing is for Māori and all of Aotearoa, we also celebrate his leadership and legacy he has left on our nation.