Minister appoints new chair and members to Water Services Authority

Source: New Zealand Government

Minister of Local Government Simeon Brown has announced new appointments to the Board of the Water Services Authority – Taumata Arowai (the Authority), including a new chair, and has reappointed two members of the Authority’s Māori Advisory Group for a further three-year term.

Former Watercare chief executive Raveen Jaduram is the new Chair of the Authority Board. He is joined by new Board members Amanda Singleton and Dr Frances Hughes. These appointments are all for a three-year term which begins 29 August.

Riki Ellison and Bonita Bigham have been reappointed to the Authority’s Māori Advisory Group with Mr Ellison also appointed chair. These appointments are also for a three-year term, beginning on 29 August.

“The collective knowledge and experience of the new Board and Māori Advisory Group members will be valuable going forward and aligns with the current and future work programme under Local Water Done Well,” Mr Brown says.

Earlier this month the Government announced several changes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the drinking water regulatory regime and the approach the Authority takes to regulating the regime, under Local Water Done Well. 

Changes include ensuring the Authority considers the cost of compliance on suppliers when performing its functions, reducing the regulatory burden on very small drinking water supplies, and enabling the Authority to proactively issue exemptions from certain regulatory requirements, where compliance with the Water Services Act is impractical, inefficient, unduly costly or burdensome.

“My appointment of Mr Jaduram as Chair of the Water Services Authority along with new members Amanda Singleton and Dr Frances Hughes reflects the increased emphasis on the Authority’s work with local government and the practicalities of providing infrastructure and local water services.

“I would like to thank the outgoing chair of the Authority’s Board Dame Karen Poutasi and outgoing Chair of the Māori Advisory Group Tipa Mahuta for their respective service to the Board and Group.

“I look forward to working with the new members as they begin their terms,” Mr Brown says.