Thousands more young people to get job coaching

Source: New Zealand Government

A significant investment by the coalition Government in young job seekers will see an extra 2100 placed into community-led programmes that provide job coaches and other support to give them a better future.

Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says an additional $9.45 million will be spent on expanding the number of places for young job seekers in community-led employment programmes from 5400 to 7500.

“Young job seekers in this country are forecast to spend about two decades of their lives on a benefit so we must do more to give them a better shot at a life.

“Our Government’s new approach will see more funding for community organisations with proven track records of supporting young people off welfare.

“Under our Welfare that Works programme, more young people will get a needs assessment, a job plan and tailored support, including job coaching, to help them access education, training and employment opportunities.”

This additional funding for 2024/25 will provide:

  • 500 places with a selection of He Poutama Rangatahi providers for people aged 18-24 who have been on Jobseeker Support longer than a year
  • 1600 places with regional providers for people aged 18-24 who have been on Jobseeker Support any period of time

“Local providers know their communities and the barriers their young people face to employment. They are best placed to help them achieve their potential,” Louise Upston says.

“We will examine how each provider supports young job seekers and which methods deliver the best results before contracting further places.

“Bonus payments will be considered in future years for providers and young job seekers when they remain off benefit for at least 12 months after finding work.

“Alongside our new over-the-phone employment case management service for 4000 under-25s, this underscores this Government’s commitment to putting our young people on pathway to a better future through being in work.”