Government honours Taranaki Maunga deal

Source: New Zealand Government

The Government is honouring commitments made to Taranaki iwi with the Te Pire Whakatupua mō Te Kāhui Tupua/Taranaki Maunga Collective Redress Bill passing its first reading Parliament today, Treaty Negotiations Minister Paul Goldsmith says.

“This Bill addresses the commitment the Crown made to the eight iwi of Taranaki to negotiate collective cultural redress over the Maunga once all individual settlements were complete.

“The arrangements include the National Park being renamed Te Papa-Kura-o-Taranaki, and the highest peak having its name changed to Taranaki Maunga.

“Arrangements also include the recognition of a legal person, the vesting of the Egmont National Park land in Te Kāhui Tupua, recognition of a set of values to guide decision-making within the national park, and the establishment of a statutory body to act as the human face and voice of the legal personality.

“This will address the historical grievances of the eight iwi of Taranaki, in relation to the Maunga and the longstanding association Ngā Iwi o Taranaki have with their ancestral mountains.

“The Crown formally and publicly recognises the hardship and heartache it has caused whānau and hapū, and recognises the resilience of your iwi in the face of such adversity. We must acknowledge the hurt that’s been caused by past wrongs, so we can look to the future to support iwi to realise their own aspirations and opportunities.”

Ngā Iwi o Taranaki represents more than 45,000 people from Ngaa Rauru Kiitahi, Ngāruahine, Ngāti Maru, Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Ruanui, Ngāti Tama, Taranaki Iwi and Te Atiawa. 

Te Papa-Kura-o-Taranaki will remain a national park with the Department of Conservation continuing its operational management and the public retaining freedom of access.