Minister’s Ramadan message

Source: New Zealand Government

Assalaamu alaikum. السَّلَام عليكم

In light of the holy month of Ramadan, I want to extend my warmest wishes to our Muslim community in New Zealand.

Ramadan is a time for spiritual reflection, renewed devotion, perseverance, generosity, and forgiveness. 

It’s a time to strengthen our bonds and appreciate the diversity and harmony we share as a nation.

As we embrace the blessings of this holy month, we pause to remember. 

This Ramadan coincides with the 5th remembrance of the Christchurch terrorist attacks, which claimed the lives of 51 innocent people and changed the lives of many more.

I extend my deepest condolences to the bereaved families and others affected by this tragedy.

I praise the courage and compassion you showed in the aftermath of the tragedy and the resilience and strength you have demonstrated ever since.

I want also to acknowledge the humanitarian situation in the Middle East. My thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the ongoing challenges. 

I hope you feel the support of your fellow New Zealanders.

On a brighter note, I am pleased by the recent recognition from the UNESCO cultural agency, designating Iftar as an intangible cultural heritage. 

This acknowledgment celebrates the significance of this communal meal during Ramadan. 

I have memories of Ramadan in Malaysia, where streets and homes were decorated and the Iftar served as a symbol of cohesion and generosity, uniting Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

Our Muslim Kiwis are integral members of our diverse New Zealand community.

The Ministry for Ethnic Communities has a strong relationship with the Muslim community and organisations.

And the Ethnic Communities Development Fund supports many Muslim community initiatives and celebrations that are making a real impact and enhancing the sense of belonging.

Let us take this opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to understanding, compassion, and unity across all communities in New Zealand and beyond. 

Wishing you all and your loved ones a blessed Ramadan, and I hope you enjoy the festivities of Eid al-Fitr at the end of the month.

Assalaamu alaikum. السَّلَام عليكم