22 December 2023 Local agencies help each other to home whānau before christmas With Hasting’s new social housing build programme in full swing, it was satisfying to see 14 more homes ready for whānau to move into the week before Christmas. This is great news especially for families who have been living in emergency housing.

Source: New Zealand Government Kainga Ora

However, many of the families coming from motels etc have no household goods of their own.  

Fortunately, in Hawke’s Bay, organisations like Re-Source are ready to help families overcome this challenge.

Re-Source is a Hawke’s Bay not-for-profit focused on rehoming, reusing and repurposing pre-loved resources to people in need through trusted networks – reducing waste while strengthening our region.

Re-Source supports people doing the mahi in communities, such as social workers, Plunket nurses, health staff and Kāinga Ora housing support managers.

Re-Source founder Nadine Gaunt says we often help people who are moving from emergency housing, where they can’t have any of their own household goods, into a long-term Kāinga Ora home.

“When one of the team from Kāinga Ora contacted Re-Source about the 14 newly built homes that were completed just before Christmas, I knew there would be families who needed furniture.”

“I was keen to help, but the volume that would be needed in a short timeframe presented a problem. Donors regularly offer us furniture, but we don’t always have the room. to receive, sort, clean, repair, and collate donations for distribution. We can help more people if we have more space.”

Since the start, Re-Source has been collaborating with Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga (TToH), and Chair Mike Paku says on hearing Re-Source’s need offered two vacant garages in Hastings.

Naomi Whitewood, (Ngāti Porou, Ngāpuhi) Regional Director East North Island says this has been a great example of local organisations collaborating for a common cause.

“Often our whānau come from emergency housing with very little because they can’t store furniture or homeware at motels – they arrive at a new home with no furniture, no linen, and no kitchenware. Re-Source gives them dignity and independence by giving them a head start in setting up a home,” says Naomi.

“Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga has helped Re-Source to help us, in turn, we will help people who need a warm, dry home. And those people, who often have a relationship with TToH, will be happier and healthier. In the end, we are all getting closer to where we need to be.”