Te Whānau a Apanui and the Crown initial Deed of Settlement I Kua waitohua e Te Whānau a Apanui me te Karauna te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga

Source: New Zealand Government

Māori: Kua waitohua e Te Whānau a Apanui me te Karauna te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga

Kua waitohua e Te Whānau a Apanui me te Karauna i tētahi Whakaaetanga Whakataunga hei whakamihi i ō rātou tāhuhu kerēme Tiriti o Waitangi.

E tekau mā rua ngā hapū o roto mai o Te Whānau a Apanui he 13,000 mano te taupori o ngā tāngata he pānga nō rātou ki waenga i a Hawai me Pōtikirua i te taha Rāwhiti o te Waiariki.

“He rangi whakahirahira tēnei mō Te Whānau a Apanui he hīkoinga whakamua kia tutuki ai i ngā wawata mō tō rātou iwi mō ngā reanga te haere ake nei,” hei tā te Minita mō ngā take Tiriti o Waitangi.

“Ka tohu tēnei whakaaetanga i te hiranga me te hononga i waenga i te whenua, te wai me te moana ki te whakapapa me te mana motuhake o Te Whānau a Apanui.”

“Ka whakamana te whakaritenga i te waengapūtanga o ngā hapū ki a Te Whānau a Apanui, me te hiranga o te ao tūroa, tae rā anō ki Raukumara Pae Maunga, ā, karapoti ana i te moana.”

Kei roto i te Whakaaetanga he whakapāha nā te Karauna, he tāhuhu kōrero kua āminetia, he puretumu moni, ahurea mō ngā takahanga o Te Tiriti i hē atu ki a Te Whānau a Apanui.

Kei tēnei whakaoranga

  • He tāpui whenua moana mō ngā heketā e 5,000 mō ngā mahi ahumoana
  • Nui ake i te $30 miriona he whakaoranga moni, ahurea, arumoni hoki
  • E tekau mā rua ngā pā he hiranga ahurea ōna
  • He whakaritenga kaitiaki mō ngā rauemi taiao o Te Ao Tūroa me te tiaki whenua mō Raukūmara Pae Maunga, tae rā anō ki tētahi taihonotanga Rautaki Tiaki Taiao.
  • He mana Takutai Moana ka puaki i ētahi wāhanga o te 2008 Heads of Agreement i hainatia i raro i te Ture Takutai Moana o mua.
  • He whakaritenga taihonotanga whakawhanaunga me ngā pou tira whakahaere a te Karauna

“I tīmatahia ngā whakaritenga i waenga i te Karauna me Te Whānau a Apanui i te 2004 i raro i te Ture Takutai Moana 2004 o mua.

“Ka whaiwhakaaro ināianei a Te Whānau a Apanui ki te whakaritenga whakataunga, ā, mēnā ka whakapūmautia te Whakaaetanga Whakataunga o Te Whānau a Apanui,” hei tā Andrew Little.

ENG: Te Whānau a Apanui and the Crown initial Deed of Settlement

Te Whānau a Apanui and the Crown have initialled a deed of settlement in recognition of their historical Treaty of Waitangi claims.

Te Whānau a Apanui has twelve hapū and a population of approximately 13,000 people with their area of interest being between Hawai and Pōtikirua in the Eastern Bay of Plenty.

“This is a significant day for Te Whanau a Apanui that brings them a step closer towards realising the aspirations of their people today for the generations to come,” Treaty Negotiations Minister Andrew Little said.

“This deed reflects the importance and interconnectedness between the whenua (land), the wai (water) and the moana (sea) to Te Whanau a Apanui whakapapa and identity.

“The package recognises the centrality of hapū to Te Whānau a Apanui, and the importance of te ao tūroa (the natural world), including the Raukumara Range and surrounding moana.”

The Deed includes a Crown apology, an agreed historical account as well as financial and cultural redress for historical breaches of te Tiriti that caused harm to Te Whānau a Apanui.

The redress package includes

  • The reservation of 5,000 hectares of marine space for aquaculture
  • More than $30 million financial, cultural, and commercial redress
  • Twelve sites of cultural significance
  • Bespoke Te Ao Tūroa natural resource and conservation arrangements over the Raukūmara Range, including a joint Conservation Management Strategy
  • Takutai Moana rights which deliver on aspects of the 2008 Heads of Agreement signed under the former Foreshore and Seabed Act
  • A joint relationship agreement with core Crown agencies

“Negotiations between the Crown and Te Whānau a Apanui first began in 2004 under the former Foreshore and Seabed Act 2004.

“Te Whānau a Apanui will now consider the settlement package and whether to ratify the Te Whanau a Apanui Deed of Settlement,” Andrew Little said.

Notes to Editor: A copy of the Deed of Settlement will be made available here.