Government delivers 2,250 new classrooms

Source: New Zealand Government

  • Since 2017 the Government has opened 2,250 new classrooms
  • Over 500 schools affected by North Island severe weather have been repaired
  • Nearly every school in the country has been upgraded through the School Investment Package

The Chris Hipkins Government has made major progress in upgrading and building classrooms and other school property across the country.

“We all saw the state our schools and classrooms when we came into Government in 2017. Our kids learning in leaking, damp, and mouldy classrooms, learning in hallways and temporary rooms – we committed to changing that,” Jan Tinetti said.

“This Government has built 2,250 new classrooms and upgraded school halls, libraries, school blocks, gyms, playgrounds and school pools. We know that schools are often the heart of their communities so investing in great facilities is an investment in kids’ education and good for the wider community.

“We’ve had a real focus on addressing the infrastructure deficit in schools to make sure our kids have safe, dry, and warm learning spaces, so they want to be at school and are supported to thrive,” Jan Tinetti said.

Nearly every school upgraded

Over 98% of schools in New Zealand have had upgrades to property through the School Investment Package, 5YA, Ngā Iti Kahurangi (property upgrades for small and remote schools) and the National School Redevelopment Programme.

“This Government committed the funding that was needed, after years of neglect,” Jan Tinetti said.

Cyclone-hit schools repaired

“Significant progress has also been made to repair over 500 schools that were affected by the North Island weather events earlier this year.

“There are two schools that had more severe site damage caused by flooding. The focus now is on scoping these larger, more complicated projects so we can make sure the schools are able to return to their original sites as soon as possible. 

“New Zealanders can trust this Government to invest in our schools. We value our students and our teachers, and will continue to invest in schools.

“We remain strongly committed to providing students, teachers and communities with good classrooms and resilient schools and our record shows we deliver on that,” Jan Tinetti said.