New Zealand and Switzerland reaffirm close ties

Source: New Zealand Government

Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta met this morning with Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis in Wellington.

“I was pleased to welcome Minister Cassis on his first official visit to Aotearoa New Zealand,” Nanaia Mahuta said. 

“His visit comes during the Women’s FIFA World Cup, but this year also marks 60 years of diplomatic relations between our two countries – a significant milestone worth celebrating in person. 

“Our two countries have a longstanding relationship based on many shared democratic values and interests, as well as our strong educational and cultural ties.

“We talked about ways to encourage the exchange of tourists, students and business people, including through initiatives like the Swiss-New Zealand Trainee Exchange, which enables young professionals to gain practical work experience in our respective countries

“We also discussed the merit of science collaboration in an increasingly complex world where digital and technology enhanced capacity creates new areas of cooperation such as quantum technology and AI.

“The meeting also was a chance to discuss our ongoing cooperation on important issues across the multilateral agenda, including nuclear disarmament, human rights, rules-based trade and sustainability. 

“We also spoke about the global security environment, including our strong condemnation of Russia’s illegal and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. Now, more than ever, is the time to cooperate to support the rules-based international order and the promotion of peace and prosperity, including in the Indo-Pacific region.

“On climate change we reaffirmed our work on a number of joint initiatives including research to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, efforts to reform fossil fuel subsidies, and negotiations to conclude an Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability,” Nanaia Mahuta said.