Headline: Maritime Museum charts new course with RFA
New Zealand Maritime Museum has joined Regional Facilities Auckland (RFA), extending RFA’s guardianship of Auckland’s significant heritage institutions.
As RFA’s newest division, the Museum will tap into the benefits of scale and support afforded to the other iconic Auckland brands: Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland Conventions Venues & Events, Auckland Live, Auckland Stadiums and Auckland Zoo.
As a heritage institution of national significance, New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui A Tangaroa is home to New Zealand’s largest maritime collection. On the edge of the Viaduct Harbour, the Museum welcomes around 160,000 visitors a year and offers enriching experiences through exhibitions, events, education and community programmes, and harbour sailings around the Waitematā.
According to Museum Director Vincent Lipanovich, this is a significant milestone for the Museum, and one the respective organisations have been preparing for since early last year.
“An important focus for us has been to ensure we enhance the Maritime Museum’s value and contribution to Auckland, while retaining our unique brand and mission – to explore and unite people with the sea,” he said.
“We see a strong alignment with RFA’s vision of enriching life in Auckland by engaging people in the arts, environment, sport and events. By joining forces, we are ensuring a sustainable and ongoing operational model that delivers long-term value for Auckland.”
RFA CEO Chris Brooks sees the Museum is a valuable asset for Auckland that will benefit from a holistic approach to future development and the opportunity to work directly with the other cultural entities within RFA.
“We are delighted to welcome the Maritime Museum to RFA,” he said. “It is an excellent fit with our RFA ethos and brands, and this integration fulfils the strategic direction as laid out in the Auckland Plan for the city’s arts, culture and heritage sectors.
“It will give us the ability to develop a more holistic approach to managing our waterfront spaces, including public programming, priorities for investment, and developing a cohesive response to waterfront planning.”
Brooks also cited the Museum’s ability to leverage RFA-wide expertise and resources in the areas of IT, HR, marketing, health and safety, procurement, and finance.
“It is a great privilege for us to be working with everyone who looks after this wonderful heritage institution, its fleet and its programmes. RFA looks forward to supporting the Museum in its vital work and to facilitate further growth and development in the future.”
Vicki Johnson | Director, Marketing and Communications
021 367 444