EIT awarded RSE worker training contract | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

11 mins ago

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, with Meriama Taufale, Team Leader – Engagement and Transitions, Business Relationship Unit at EIT, in a vineyard on the Hawke’s Bay campus after the announcement that EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities.

EIT has been awarded a contract to provide Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers with education and training opportunities over the next five years.

The New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) confirmed that EIT won the tender for Phase III of the RSE Worker Training Programme, which provides opportunities for Pacific RSE workers to access skills training while in New Zealand. The programme offers opportunities for RSE workers to develop meaningful and transferable skills that support the sectors that work in and deliver tangible benefits to the participating Pacific countries.

More than 7,000 RSE workers have benefited from training over the last six years. Phase III will see New Zealand commit NZ$10.7 million over the next five years to support over 10,000 RSE workers to engage in training opportunities. This phase will focus on increasing the number of RSE workers who can participate in courses, piloting new courses to respond to Pacific countries’ and workers priorities including agricultural skills, and a pilot on formal recognition of learning.

Paul Hursthouse, EIT’s Director – Business Relationships and Transitions, welcomed the news and said that EIT was excited and proud to have been chosen to provide training for the workers.

“EIT has a proven reputation of providing top-quality education and vocational training across all tertiary levels. EIT is part of the Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti communities with strong links to the primary sector, and looks forward to delivering training to RSE workers across New Zealand. We are a trusted education provider with a proven track record.”

“The RSE scheme plays a significant role in New Zealand’s economy and we are pleased to partner with MFAT and horticulture employers to offer RSE workers opportunities to develop and acquire new skills.”

The programme is set to be begin next year and will initially be delivered in Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty and Malborough/Nelson.

EIT student wins Top Student Wine at Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

22 seconds ago

EIT student Ngaun Siau (right) won the EIT Top Student Wine Award at this year’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards. She is pictured at the awards ceremony with EIT’s Head of the School of Viticulture and Wine Science.

A second year Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student at EIT has won the award for the Top Student Wine at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

Ngaun Siau, 26, won the award at this month’s A&P Society’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards for her wine – Dalan Cabernet Franc 2024. The student wines are judged by the same criteria as all the other classes and Ngaun’s wine received 95 points from the judges – a Gold medal.

Ngaun, who is from Taiwan, says that she was very excited that her wine was chosen as the Top Student Wine, sponsored by EIT, and says that she enjoyed the awards evening.

“I made four red wines this year. The award-winning Cabernet Franc was harvested from the Te Awa vineyard, where I worked for the summer.”

“It took me three days to harvest and a month to make my wine. The grapes were hand-harvested, partially whole bunch fermented for a fruitful wine style.”

She got the name for her wine, Dalan, from the language of a tribe in Taiwan.

“It means ‘roads’ in Puyuma, but it’s more like the things that your heart is calling; the path you take to follow your dream.”

Winning the award was a highlight of what has, at times, been a challenging, but reward two years at EIT Hawke’s Bay.

Ngaun arrived in New Zealand to begin her first year one month before Cyclone Gabrielle struck last year. She moved into EIT student accommodation where she made friends with other students.

“We received a lot of help from the Hawke’s Bay community after the Cyclone. I appreciate how people here care for each other.”

“The most difficult thing was that we were not able to use the wine-making resources on campus since we had all moved online.”

Ngaun says that she comes from an agricultural background with her family having grown rice and other crops for centuries.

“Agriculture has always been fascinating to me. What caught my eye about viticulture was how everything starts from a small vine and becomes an aged wine.”

Ngaun says that it was New Zealand’s approach to organic and regenerative agriculture that attracted her to study here.

“I realised that it would be a good place for me to study and understand more about sustainable wine growing.”

After school Ngaun worked in the construction industry and also in farming, but soon decided that studying viticulture and wine science was what she wanted to do.

“Once the worst of COVID-19 had passed, I decided to make the move to New Zealand.  I did my research and really liked what EIT had to offer, especially its strong practical component.”

Ngaun credits her success to the nurturing and supportive environment at EIT.

“The staff are really friendly and the lecturers’ doors are always open. Our school winery staff, the winery manager and the lab staff there are quite amazing. They always have new ideas or something they would suggest us to try.”

“We share a strong connection with the local wine industry, where our lecturers have worked or are still involved. There is no boundary for us in accessing the industry.”

“It is a very supportive programme for me to study here. In this environment I can fully immerse myself in my studies, knowing that the entire programme will have my back.”

Sue Blackmore, EIT Head of School for Viticulture and Wine Science said: “The whole V&W Team are excited that Ngaun received a Gold for her student wine.”

“She spent long hours in the winery tinkering with ‘Dalan’. And as the wine name suggests Ngaun is passionate about winemaking and her future in the wine industry. We wish her well”.

“All Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science students get a chance to make wine from year one of the degree, work a commercial internship in year 2 and complete a research project aligned with industry in year 3.”

EIT Viticulture and Wine Science student wins A&P Society Young Vintners Scholarship at Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

1 min ago

EIT Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student Tammy Madigan has won the A&P Society’s Young Vintners Scholarship at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

A third-year Bachelor of Viticulture and Wine Science student at EIT has won the A&P Society’s Young Vintners Scholarship at this year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

Tammy Madigan, 37, is an adult student who has had to juggle family life to complete the degree. She relocated from Australia in 2021 to do her qualification at EIT in Hawke’s Bay.

Tammy, who grew up in the Blue Mountains of Western Sydney, but lived for many years in Brisbane, was awarded the scholarship at a ceremony earlier this month. The scholarship includes money towards her fees, the opportunity to work on a vintage at Craggy Range Winery and the opportunity to be an associate judge at next year’s Bayley’s Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards.

She says that she was honoured to be selected as the scholarship recipient and excited to accept the award at the Hawke’s Bay Wine Awards surrounded by the leaders and legends of the industry.

Having worked for many years in the retail industry in Australia, as the years went by, she became progressively more interested in viticulture and decided that she wanted to  pursue her studies at EIT. She has moved over with her husband Niall, who works as a cardiac sonographer at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, and her three children – two girls and a boy.

“Although it took a while for me to be able to commit to full-time study, I made the decision to permanently re-locate to NZ with my family in January 2021.”

“I’m a very practical kind of person and I really enjoyed the idea of doing a degree that also had a lot of practical learning. I’m more of a hands-on learner and enjoy learning on the job. There’s a little tiny vineyard on campus and there is just a lot of practical elements that I really enjoy.”

“I am extremely grateful that I am finally pursuing the dream, and I now consider Hawke’s Bay home. Since arriving I have immersed myself in various aspects of the industry while studying to obtain as much knowledge as possible.”

This has included stewarding for the Wine Awards and various DISH tasting events, cellar door work at Clearview Estate, a vintage internship at Te Mata Estate in 2023, and as a field technician for Croptide, an agricultural technology company specialising in real time crop monitoring solutions.

Tammy says that all these experiences have provided invaluable knowledge and connection to various people in the industry while developing a love for the Hawke’s Bay region

“While my interest in the industry was sparked by viticulture, I discovered a love for winemaking and would like to gain more experience and knowledge in this area as I pursue the goal of becoming a winemaker in my own right.”

She says that while Cyclone Gabrielle did disrupt her studies last year, especially having to move online and then off campus for a while, she and her cohort were not too badly affected.

“It was definitely a pretty interesting time. Initially it probably didn’t impact as heavily, being that I was in my second year and I was out doing the vintage at Te Mata Estate, which I was able to continue doing.”

With a hectic life of family, work and study, Tammy had to move her studies part-time for a semester last year, so will complete her degree during the second semester next year. She is also looking forward to taking part in the harvest at Craggy Range, which is part of her prize.

One thing is for sure, she is grateful that she chose EIT for a degree and she plans to stay on in Hawke’s Bay after she finishes her studies.

“I would like to purchase a house and settle in Hawke’s Bay for a little while. I might be able to duck off for some short stints to get some experience overseas or back home in Australia, but primarily, I’ll be basing myself here in Hawke’s Bay.

As for what path she wants to pursue in the future – viticulture or winemaking – Tammy says that she is unsure because she likes them both.

Sue Blackmore, Head of School for Viticulture and Wine Science says: “The V&W School wants to congratulate Tammy on this great opportunity provided for EIT students by the A&P Society and Craggy Range. Tammy is a very worthy recipient who as an adult student has managed to juggle the balance of a busy home life, full-time study and part-time work. Congratulations Tammy!”

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus to hold information and enrolment day for those looking for a career path | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 mins ago

EIT Hawke’s Bay Campus will be holding an information and enrolment day on Thursday, 13 June 2024.

Prospective learners have an opportunity to identify a career path from many on offer at an EIT information and enrolment day to be held at the Hawke’s Bay Campus next month.

The event will be held on the campus from 9am to 6pm on Thursday, 13 June 2024. Information and enrolment days will also be held at the Maraenui, Hastings and Central Hawke’s Bay Learning Centres from 10am to 2pm on the same day.

EIT Executive Director Operations Glen Harkness says that the Campus has come a long way since the Cyclone caused substantial damage and the information day  is perfect opportunity to showcase what EIT has to offer.

“We are part of this community and we are pleased to be able to open our doors to them.”

“We offer a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

“Our Career Advice Service is available as is information on scholarships and student loans and allowances. Staff will also be available to help you complete the enrolment process,” says Glen.

Celebrations as EIT Hawke’s Bay students graduate after tough years | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 mins ago

More than 320 graduates received their diploma, degree or postgraduate qualifications at two ceremonies held at the Napier Municipal Theatre today.

There was an air of celebration in Hawke’s Bay as students from EIT graduated after a tough few years due to the devastation caused by Cyclone Gabrielle, and COVID-19.

More than 320 graduates received their diploma, degree or postgraduate qualifications at two ceremonies held at the Napier Municipal Theatre today. In total EIT awarded 813 diplomas, degree and postgraduate qualifications to Hawke’s Bay based learners who completed their studies last year. 

The first ceremony, held in the morning, saw graduates from the Centre for Veterinary Nursing, IDEAschool, Te Uranga Waka, Schools of Education and Social Sciences, Primary Industries, Tourism and Hospitality, Trades and Technology, and Viticulture and Wine Science graduate.

The afternoon saw graduates from the Schools of Business, Computing, Health and Sport Science, and Nursing cross the stage.

Attending both ceremonies were Andrew McSweeney, Te Pūkenga Deputy Chief Executive – Learner & Employer Experience and Attraction and Kieran Hewitson, Te Pūkenga Tumu Whenua ā-Rohe 2 | executive director. Napier MP Katie Nimon was also in attendance.

Glen Harkness, EIT Executive Director Operations, congratulated all those who graduated.

“It’s great to see these students succeed after some challenging years with the move to online because of COVID-19 and Cyclone Gabrielle. These students can take pride in how they overcame that to achieve their diplomas, degrees, and postgraduate qualifications.”

He thanked the lecturers and tutors involved for all their hard work as well.

“Once again EIT | Te Pūkenga is seeing a talented cohort graduating, which is a testament to the high quality programmes that we offer across the board. We have no doubt that these graduates will go on to make a mark in their chosen careers.”

A graduation ceremony was held for the Tairāwhiti Campus in March, while students at the Auckland campus of EIT will graduate on May 28.

EIT | Te Pūkenga student excited about Italian experience after being selected for Bragato Exchange | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

5 mins ago

EIT | Te Pūkenga Viticulture & Wine Science student Casey Mackintosh has been chosen as the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholar.

After an exciting 2023, EIT | Te Pūkenga Viticulture & Wine Science student Casey Mackintosh is looking forward to a new experience as she heads off to Italy later in June on a Bragato Exchange.

Casey, 28, is in her final year of the Bachelor of Viticulture & Wine Science but is finishing the programme part-time while she works in the industry at Villa Maria Winery, which is now owned by Indevin.

The exchange, which has a new principal sponsor in Wine-Searcher, is now known as the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholarship. Other sponsors are PGG Wrightson, Taradale Rotary Club and the Ōtātara Trust. It was established in recognition of the historical connection between Conegliano and New Zealand and is named after Romeo Bragato, who was influential in identifying potential wine growing regions here and studied in this area of Italy. It is commemorated with an academic partnership between EIT | Te Pūkenga and the University of Padua.

The exchange was started in 2003 and provides an opportunity for an Italian student to visit New Zealand in August, spend time at EIT | Te Pūkenga and visit the wine areas of NZ and an EIT | Te Pūkenga student to visit Padua and then travel around the wine areas of Italy hosted by alumni in the Italian summer.

The award comes after a big year in 2023, which saw Casey, who is originally from Northland, come second in the 2023 Tonnellerie de Mercurey North Island Young Winemaker of the Year, following the competition held at Indevin’s Gimblett Gravels winery.

She says that she is excited about the year ahead.

“I feel incredibly lucky to receive the Wine-Searcher Bragato Exchange Scholarship. I am extremely grateful to EIT | Te Pūkenga and the generous sponsors for providing this incredible opportunity.”

“It doesn’t quite feel real yet and I suppose it won’t until I am there sipping prosecco, in the sun. I am looking forward to meeting new people and soaking up Italian culture.”

Renee Dale, Wine Specialist at sponsors wine-searcher.com, says: “It is wonderful to see that this exchange retains such high interest and to see such a high calibre of applicants.”

“It was a real challenge for the selection panel to choose between them. Although all candidates showed great potential, each bringing their own unique stories and outlooks, Casey in particular demonstrated a solid understanding of the exchange, its purpose and just what the experience would bring to her skillset as a future winemaker. I look forward to welcoming Casey into the Romeo Bragato alumni and following her journey, both in the exchange later this year, and in the years to come.”

Renee, who was the first female Bragato exchange recipient in 2006, is also heartened to see the significant number of female applicants this year.

Sue Blackmore, the Head of the EIT | Te Pūkenga School of Viticulture & Wine Science, said: “We are excited that this exchange will continue to provide EIT graduates with a unique life changing opportunity. The exchange enables the building of invaluable connections, as well as the opportunity to be hosted by the University of Padua and by ex-exchange scholars in different parts of Italy.”

“We are extremely thankful to our long-term sponsors and the new main sponsor, Wine searcher, who are ensuring the longevity of this valuable exchange that commemorates its founder, Kevyn Moore.”

Information and enrolment day an opportunity to choose career path at EIT Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

6 mins ago

The EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay campus will be open for an information and enrolment day between 9am and 6pm on Thursday, 25 January 2024.

Prospective learners have an opportunity identify a career path from many on offer at an EIT | Te Pūkenga information and enrolment day to be held at the Hawke’s Bay Campus this week.

The information day on Thursday 25 January will be another opportunity for the partially rebuilt campus to be showcased after it was devastated by Cyclone Gabrielle a year ago. The cyclone caused extensive damage to the Taradale site in February with up to 90 per cent of the ground-floor buildings – more than 500 rooms – being damaged by flood water and contaminated silt.

About 30 per cent of the Hawke’s Bay campus was able to be reopened for delivery in time for the start of Semester 2 in July.

The information and enrolment day is open to anyone who is interested in studying at EIT | Te Pūkenga and who would like more information about what programmes are on offer.

The event will be held between 9am and 6pm at the EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus. Events will also be held on the same day between 10am and 2pm at the Maraenui, Hastings and CHB  Learning Centres. An information day will be held at the Wairoa Learning Centre on 31 January between 10am and 2pm. 

EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director Glen Harkness says a lot of hard work has been done to ensure the they were able to reopen much of the campus.

“We are part of this community and it is important that people are able to see what we have to offer.”

“We offer a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT | Te Pūkenga may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

“Our Career Advice Service is available as is information on scholarships and student loans and allowances. Staff will be also beavailable to help you complete the enrolment process,” says Glen.

Check out the EIT | Te Pūkenga website eit.ac.nz for more info or phone 0800 CALL EIT.

EIT | Te Pūkenga graduate youngest to win Young Winemaker of the Year | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

Alena Kamper, a graduate of the Bachelor of Viticulture & Wine Science Concurrent at EIT | Te Pūkenga, is the 2023 Tonnellerie de Mercurey North Island Young Winemaker of the Year.

An EIT | Te Pūkenga graduate has been named the 2023 Tonnellerie de Mercurey New Zealand Young Winemaker of the Year.

At 22 years old, Alena Kamper, who now works as a Cellar Hand at Sacred Hill Winery in Hawke’s Bay, is the youngest person to win the coveted title.

“I am over the moon. It still feels quite surreal,” Alena says.

“Especially with the calibre of the contestants this year, I think it could have been anyone’s game. So incredible to take it out. I feel very very honoured.”

The national final took place at The Bone Line in North Canterbury on Tuesday (October 31). The  three finalists delivered their speeches at the Altogether Unique Wine Industry Celebration in Christchurch the following evening, when the overall winner was announced.

It comes just a year into Alena’s career, having completed the Bachelor of Viticulture & Wine Science Concurrent at EIT | Te Pūkenga at the end of last year, and graduated in August.

Alena was initially nervous to enter the competition but is glad she took the plunge. She first won the North Island Young Winemaker of the Year in September, qualifying her for the national final. 

“I definitely felt like I was quite the underdog in the situation. So just so surreal when they called my name out. It’s been an incredible experience. I’ve learned so much.”

Alena won two section prizes; the Fruitfed Supplies best speech and the Indevin Wine Judging Section.

The speech topic was: “Why is your region unique and how does it complement other regions to make New Zealand wine altogether unique?” Each contestant had the same topic and had to speak on their specific region.

“That was definitely a highlight, especially when you get the chance to talk highly of your region. It just felt so easy to write and I truly believe that Hawke’s Bay is the best wine region of New Zealand, so it was awesome.”

Alena looks back at her time at EIT | Te Pūkenga with fondness, saying the programme was recommended to her by an old science teacher of hers at the school she attended, Sacred Heart College.

She says she loved the degree and was pleased that the lecturers gave one-on-one help to students.

“I think it’s just been the perfect launch platform. They give you just so many skills to be able to ask the questions and interpret all the things that you come across in the industry. It gave me great connections to start off with and it’s been awesome.”

As NZ Young Winemaker of the Year, Alena took home a prize package that includes $1000 cash, a visit to the Tonnellerie de Mercurey cooperage in Burgundy, France, and the opportunity to be an associate judge in the 2024 New World Wine Awards and review some of her favourite wines in DrinksBiz magazine.

The Head of the EIT | Te Pūkenga School of Viticulture and Wine Science, Sue Blackmore said they are so excited for Alena.

“An incredible achievement for someone less that a year out of study. We wish her all the best for what will be an amazing career in the Wine industry.”

EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus opens for information and enrolment day | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

49 seconds ago

The EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay campus will be open for an information and enrolment day between 9am and 6pm on 12 October.

The EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay campus, which has been largely closed since Cyclone Gabrielle struck, will open for an information and enrolment day next month.

The day is open to anyone who is interested in studying at EIT | Te Pūkenga and who would like more information about what programmes are on offer.

The event will be held between 9am and 6pm on 12 October at the EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay Campus. Events will also be held on the same day between 10am and 2pm at the Maraenui, Hastings and CHB  Learning Centres

EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director Glen Harkness says it is an important achievement to have the Hawke’s Bay Campus in Taradale open for information day.

“A lot of hard work has been done to get our campus partially reopened and we are delighted to be able to welcome prospective students to come and see the wide range of programmes we offer.”

 “EIT | Te Pūkenga has shown over the years that we provide the people of Hawke’s Bay the opportunity to stay local but still achieve their tertiary education dreams.”

“We are quite unique in offering people a full range of qualifications from certificates to postgraduate level, with full-time, part-time and online study options available.”

“Whether you’re looking to get qualified, upskill, or just exploring your study options, come chat to our staff about how EIT | Te Pūkenga may support you.”

Prospective students will be given a tour of the campus and a chance to chat to the student liaison team and tutors about what is on offer.

Check out the EIT | Te Pūkenga website eit.ac.nz for more info or phone 0800 CALL EIT.

Celebrations as EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay students graduate | EIT Hawke’s Bay and Tairāwhiti

Source: Eastern Institute of Technology – Tairāwhiti

3 mins ago

Students (ākonga) from EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay graduated at two ceremonies held at Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts & Events Centre in Hastings on Friday (18 August).

There were celebrations as EIT | Te Pūkenga Hawke’s Bay students (ākonga), who faced COVID-19 disruptions, graduated on Friday.

Two hundred and forty graduates received their qualifications at two graduation ceremonies held at Toitoi – Hawke’s Bay Arts & Events Centre in Hastings on Friday (18 August).

In the first ceremony, held in the morning, 157 graduates from the Centre for Veterinary Nursing, IDEAschool, Te Uranga Waka, Schools of Education and Social Sciences, Primary Industries, Tourism and Hospitality, Trades and Technology, and Viticulture and Wine Science all graduated.

The afternoon saw 83 graduates from the Schools of Business, Computing, Health and Sport Science, and Nursing cross the stage.

Attending both ceremonies were Te Pūkenga Pourangi Hua Tiriti | Deputy Chief Executive Tiriti Outcomes Paora Ammunson; as well as Tumu Whenua a-Rohe 2 | Executive Directors Region 2, Kieran Hewitson and Huia Haeata. Napier City Councillor Keith Price, representing the city’s Mayor Kirsten Wise attended both ceremonies, while Hastings Mayor Sandra Hazlehurst and Hinewai Ormsby, the Chair of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council, attended the morning ceremony. Delegates from Chinese partnership university, Zhejiang Yuexiu University of Foreign Languages (ZYU), were also guests at the ceremonies.

Glen Harkness, EIT | Te Pūkenga Executive Director, congratulated all those who graduated..

“We know that COVID-19 brought multiple challenges over the years that these ākonga were at EIT | Te Pūkenga, but they can take pride in how they overcame that to achieve their diplomas, degrees and post graduate qualifications. Thanks to the kaimahi involved for all their hard work as well.”

“Once again EIT | Te Pūkenga is seeing a talented cohort graduating, which is a testament to the high quality programmes that we offer across the board. We have no doubt that these graduates will go on to make a mark in their chosen careers.”

Graduation ceremonies for the Tairāwhiti and Auckland campuses of EIT | Te Pūkenga were held earlier this year.